Reviews from

in the past

Imagine how awesome it would be if all the time and effort spent on this was instead allocated to an actual Mega Man X game as opposed to a piece of shit gacha game. I will never understand why they would try to revive a franchise this way. If you just make a new game that appeals to fans while doing new things, as if it was released after the last main entry without a long break, then people will be satisfied and the game will do well! Capcom themselves did this with Devil May Cry 5 and look how that turned out!

Puro fan service, não que eu não goste, mas o jogo fica repetitivo muito rápido, é muito desiquilibrado no PvP e poderiam ter feito melhor o co-op, talvez eu estivesse esperando algo mais parecido com Grand Chase nesse aspecto.

it is a gacha mobile game. that being said, i fucked some guy up online so that was cool.

Que triste es saber que tu saga revivió con un juego gacha para pajeros
No le doy media estrella nomás porque sale Tron Bonne

É um baita fanservice pra fan de Mega Man, admito que foi uma bela tentativa mas depois de algum tempo fica chato de jogar pelo sistema desbalanceado de grinding das fases fazendo ser extremamente repetitivo. Erraram por coisas bobas até porque os elementos que podiam fazer esse jogo ofensivo não foram mal utilizados (gatcha).

Plays like shit, but in the three hours or so I spent with it I was shown handsome Iris and the phrase "precious gamer".

this thing should not be on this website lmao we're here to review GAMES

It's alright. I don't really care for the game all that much, but I played for a bit and it was fine. Maybe I'll play X DiVE Offline later.

Marketed as a celebration of the 'Mega Man X' series, this so-called game is in fact an exploitation of the series and of the franchise in general. It controls like ass and the gacha system was either completely busted or explained so poorly as to render it all useless. The game did do some intriguing things eventually such as the existence of Iris Alter but it ultimately served little purpose other than the blatant monetization of nostalgia.

The game rots now in a shallow grave, forgotten by the masses it exploited. Who says there's no justice in this world?

it sure is a gacha game, don't play the nebulajoy version if you make the mistake of playing it

Fun for a while but gets stale

cool little fan service for all of MM but like...this is the only X content we're ever getting and the gameplay is just a really watered down MMX so it's not that great.

Mega Man but a Gacha Mobile Game. Idk what really else to tell you.

The video game equivalent of jingling keys in front of a baby's face.

just from the tutorial level this game seems extremely obnoxious + gacha sux so im not gonna play it any more

"capcom make a new megaman game"
"make megaman x9"
"everyone wants a new megaman x"
and thus the monkey's paw curled

Jogo mediocre, bait de fanservice total, eu gosto muito de jogos gacha, não gasto 1 centavo mas adoro farmar e pegar os personagens que eu gosto só por pegar, nesse jogo aqui não tem graça nenhuma pegar os personagens que tu gosta, o jogo consiste em cada personagem ter 2 skills, na maioria das vezes são uma bosta, e você pode ter 2 armas principais, ou seja dá pra botar uma Z-Saber no Vile por exemplo, na teoria parece legal, mas acredite não é, o jogo parece o X7, buster normal mira automático ou seja parece que tu tá jogando com o AXL com qualquer personagem, level design podre nem dá pra chamar de level design, história fraca, e o pior você não morre por cair no espinho, só perde vida, enfim foi um dos poucos gachas que eu literalmente fiquei entediado jogando, mesmo pegando os personagens que eu gosto, porque no final não muda nada, único que eu me diverti um pouco foi o Vile MKII que ele pega um dos Mecha e as skills mudam, de resto super sem graça, fico triste pois perderam total oportunidade de fazer um jogo muito bom de Megaman

great for lonely niggas who love the casino

It’s fine I guess, but nothing about it makes me excited to play it really.

It’s gacha game, but unlike the last gacha game I reviewed, it at least feels like a game instead of a get rich quick scheme that lures horny people into going broke for hot cartoon women.

It’s not a great game though and suffers from the issues that have plagued the Mega Man X games in terms of my own subjective opinion. I just don’t find it that fun. Sure it’s a little better since I get to play as a better variety of characters than in the other games, but it isn’t enough for me to be hooked into the game.

It’s not even that I think the controls are bad. It’s that I don’t find it fun getting frustrated having to climb the same damn thing forty times because I was 0.00001 seconds off.

This though is more me saying that I don’t care for it and I understand the appeal for sure. I just can’t get into it no matter how hard I try.

VERY janky game that plays better with a controller.
Also you get characters via a gacha system.
Only die hard megaman fans will give this game a chance... it's not that good.

I wanted to give it another chance since it has now come out on PC on my territory and... NAH, for just a few minutes I couldn't stand the gameplay, it bored me

its a phone gacha game, meaning you spend more time collecting gems and items than actually playing the game

divertido porém repetitivo e gacha.

Not into Gacha games but it's Megaman X

This game is fanservice in every sense of the word and its great.

Also someone at Capcom is relentlessly horny I swear.

Este juego es una porqueria para avanar, al ser pay to win. Lamentablemente entré al juego cuando estaban a punto de cerrar los servidores, así que prácticamente le hice un Speed run para acabarlo y con hacks. Sencillamente es dedicarle demasiadas horas cuando bien puede durar solo 20h y es disfrutable.
Juego completo al 100%.