Reviews from

in the past

"alright what if we made persona but without just about everything that made that so good"

And to top it all off, this has got to be one of the worst PC ports I've ever seen, making GTA4 on PC look decent in comparison. Persona 4 Golden on Steam is only a few clicks away and the retail price is the same as this. Only a fool would prefer this over that.

A very low-budget and transparent attempt to ape the style, concept, and mechanics of the Persona series.

While the plot is kind of whatever, the characters are flat, and absolutely nothing about the story is captivating. I tried really hard to slog through the early sections of this game because I knew it had all the ingredients necessary to keep my attention. Unfortunately, the moment where I am gripped by the story just never comes. It's a constant struggle just to keep me from turning the game off -- one I ultimately failed.

I ended up looking up more information about the game just to learn it ends with a cliffhanger that will never be resolved. After learning this, and watching the ending, I don't think it's possible to really recommend this game to anyone ever. It offers nothing of value. The story is a dead end, and the gameplay is legitimately as good or worse than every other dungeon crawler JRPG you can find.

This is probably one of the worst games I've ever played.
Imagine playing persona 4 but with (mind) zero redeeming qualities

I really, really hate when people who are unable to critique video games try providing incite by saying "[blank] is just [blank] but worse," but even the type of teenagers who I've seen say that about Mind Zero are correct. Mind Zero is just Persona 4 but worse. Everything from its take on teenagers with supernatural abilities to the characters who accompany you along your journey, this game is a shameless knock off.

There is a redeeming part of Mind Zero, though, that being its dungeons. I love first person dungeon crawlers and the actual dungeon design is really good. Not as good as even some of Atlus' weaker dungeon crawlers, but I still liked the dungeons for the most part.

Besides that, if you're looking for a fun game to play on Steam involving teenagers who have the ability to summon creatures from their psyche, play Persona 4. It's also $20 on Steam and the port doesn't make you want to bash your head off of a cement block because it crashes trying to adjust basic settings.

Rating: D/C
Genre(s:) Dungeon crawler, JRPG

There's an obvious parallel to be made with this game to Persona and while the inpiration is clear any charm or heart that was found in that game is completely absent here

On top of that, the dungeons are extremely boring and the combat becomes very one note once you hit a certain point in the game.

Also, minor spoiler, but the game ends on a cliff hanger and I don't think it sold nearly well enough for us to ever see the conclusion of this story