Reviews from

in the past

One of games me and my brother got with our PS1. Made by the same guys as Ride To Hell Retribution.

Somewhat passable little racing game on the surface, but it's let down by various things.

It looks sort of ugly, especially compared the micro machines games that were it's contemporaries.

It plays weird, it's hard to explain, cars are very slippy and the AI ranges from perfect, to getting stuck on terrain. There's hazards that are very luck based too which doesn't help.

The main menu is a war crime, it made no sense to me as a kid, the way you pick what type of race, or what car was extremely unintuitive.

The soundtrack on the flipside, is pretty good.

Don't hate it, full of nostalgia, but it aint good.

When I was a child, I used to play this game on the PS1, but I could never win. The gameplay is unforgiving because the opponents are tough, and I also found the tracks to be hard to drive. Additionally, for some reason, the music in the game disturbed me, and even now when I watch videos of it, it makes me uncomfortable. I also don't like the sound effects in the game, such as smashing glass and screeching brakes. I do like the different cars though like a taxi etc.

Nah, don't remember this being a smooth ride. I think I was looking for something just as fun as Muppet RaceMania, but what I got was four-hour traffic on the M4. Could not tell you a single thing from memory. Car crash in a case.