Reviews from

in the past

"is it not for yourself you do these things? finding answers to fill the parts of you that are empty or shredded with scars?"

incidentally ended up playing two religiously themed rpgmaker horror games in a few months, with the former shining far brighter.

the evocative title and moody sample screenshots really grabbed my attention, and i wanted to like it. it started strong in atmosphere and sound design specifically, and mole's utmost belief in their faith and god was legitimately compelling. unfortunately a poor portrayal of what i think was the developer's perspective on alters, as well as the vocal performances and all but one lyrical song killed the mood in a really huge way; the worst offender being the flat ending sequence segueing into an incredibly tone-deaf credits song which had me awkwardly shifting in my seat, being clipped short mid-sentence to unceremoniously boot me back to the main menu.

i only found out following finishing that the developer had made a handful of games i personally found terribly boring and uninteresting in the past, something i wish i'd double checked in hindsight. there was just a certain consideration missing here, i'd only recommend it for the nice environmental mapping, encounter scripting, lighting, and free price tag alone.

No he entendido nada pero me ha gustado

I have no idea what came over me when I played this game, but I ended up enjoying almost every second of it

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Some parts in this game were unintentionally funny to me, like; "First things first!"

But overall, it does give more insight on Simon/Mole's character, and I think it's a teensy bit interesting.