Reviews from

in the past

PLEASE laurier is adorable :( i was dared to install this

Too sweet? Perhaps there were no characters that would interest me. And a story written with a bias in moe is usually not for me. Also a terrible engine for VN.

Honestly kinda boring? dialogue is fine and there's not really anything else to it.
also let me play a as a dude.
I know what I am.

All reading, no choice.
I get that it's a free one off thing, but I expected more from the Nekopara people.
At least the voices are nice.

Looking back on this, I was mad to give it two and a half stars. Re-reviewing just to lower my rating lmao

a arte é linda mas eu queria muito q a gnt tivesse escolhas, espero q saia uma versao completa e menos ridicula

Fuera mame, el mejor juego de Nekopara...

sign up for cafe catboys get cafe catboys

It ends before it begins.
While the characters are cute and are each eagerly awaiting your affection-- the routes finish as you begin to understand each other. So... there is no romance really.

The art is very cute but that pretty much all it has going. The controls are annoying, theres no skip button at all? No choices to be made, basically just a story but you pick who the romance is between. The mc doesnt talk at all just gets talked at?

catboy designs couldnt save this even if it tried