Reviews from

in the past

Enjoyment - 8/10
Difficulty - 4/10

Criminally underrated anime fighting game. Playing this with others is a wild experience. So much jank, and so much love.

must play for the #sayahive

you know what, it's pretty good

Had my Danny Devito "Oh my god, I get it" moment with this game after hearing the shitty Kokou no Konpaku remix

This is my comfort bad anime fighting game. It's silly, the assists are fun and ridiculous, it's not that deep, and it's easy to play. It's really not even a great game or anything either (notably lacking real single-player content with subpar netcode), but I can't give it any less than 3 stars because it's just so much fun to mess around on with some friends...or if your waifu is in it.

Fun cast.
Another story better than the actual story.

Played this with a friend because they're a big fan of one of these characters. Don't have any attachment to any of the properties represented here, and the game doesn't do much to make itself unique from other fighting games. I can see having some fun with this game if you did have some connection, but otherwise it's probably not worth your time.

Decent fighter. Probably would've liked it more if I knew the characters more. Grab it if you like Nitroplus.

Balance is really bad, but it's fun and helped me get interested in a lot of franchises I never knew about.

i get to play as super sonico and fight with cats - based

If bought on sale, it's fun for an hour or two. A little bit awkward of controls, but some unique fighting styles for the different characters. ultimately a pass though.

The absolute perfect mix of casual accessability, anime fighter bullshit, and traditional competitive 2D Fighters.

I'll take this over SF V, GG Xrd / Strive, Tekken 7, DOA 6, SC 6, etc., any day of the week no questions asked.

Surprisingly competent for a weebshit kusoge like this but your shit deserves to bomb if you make a nitro+ crossover game with no SciAdv rep and having Muramasa over Kageaki

Fun game, just a shame not many play it since it's based on a particular niche of visual novels. Currently playing through the Story modes and it's... OK I guess? About what you'd expect from a short crossover story. Nice to see references as someone who's read Saya no uta, Kikokugai, and Muramasa and watched Phantom Requiem of the Phantom and Fate/Zero.

Hopefully other Nitro+ VNs get translated so I can actually understand the references of the untranslated half.

it's a solid fighting game, but i don't see any reason to touch it unless you're a n+ fan.

Examu my beloved
it's the least good Examu joint but it still slaps

I have no idea what's a Nitroplus, i just like fighting games.
This was a lot better than i expected, fun game, cool characters. Saldy none of my friends want to play it, most don't care about fighters much and the only one that does REALLY hates the meat-demon loli for some reason and doesn't want to touch this game.
I just wanted to crack some skulls with Mora.

I have a fond memory of getting violently sick at work and instead of sleeping like a sane person should I just. Stayed up all night and played tf outta this. Sure it's not the best fighting game ever but it has Saya my beloved meat wife bwornkly doop. Peak.

I bought this game just because i saw Super Sonico since i loved that show when i watched it and i was not disappointed its definitely worth the money if your a weeb like me and like this type of stuff

This fighter is super unbalanced and feels like it was this team’s first attempt at a game, probably spent the budget on the IP names.