Reviews from

in the past

Jakbym znalazł złotą rybkę i dostał 3 życzenia, to wziąłbym:
- 2 gieta
- święty spokój
- przywrócenie serwerów nosgoth

NOTHING will replace this. No game will give me the feeling of boundless creativity in something as simple as a hero shooter. fucking masterpiece.

Honestly? Bring it back. I know it's not what people wanted (myself included) for a new Legacy of Kain title but it was fun!

a lost game, i sucked at it but it was epic

RIP uno de los mejores F2P-PVP que he jugado en mucho tiempo.

This was actually a fun asymmetrical 3rd person arena style shooter, and square just ignored it and left it to die. Nosgoth deserved so much better.

Очень классная сессионка, но разрабы забили болт на нее

It's been 8 years so it's hard to give a proper review, but I have an overall positive memory. Sad it was quickly shelved from Steam and is no longer playable on the platform. It was a unique concept and the few hours I have spent playing it were not a waste of time.

was boutta go pro in this shit its like overwatch