Reviews from

in the past

I consider it to be a genuine feat that a game clocking in at less than an hour can feel so monotonous and overdrawn.

The visuals are really incredible. But slowly trudging through these overly-large, confusing levels towards the end was a genuine test of my patience. It doesn't help that the creepypasta-tier writing seemed to acknowledge this, saying phrases like "HURRY UP" and "ANYONE ELSE WOULD'VE BEEN DONE BY NOW" as I struggle to find the sixth whatever-the-fuck in an overly large map. Not exactly charming to write in stuff like this when your core gameplay is this miserably slow.

Maybe this would've worked better as a short Youtube video about a haunted game someone discovered. Cliche though it would've been, at least the visuals could shine without being bogged down by slow. uneventful gameplay.

pretty cool game but the scares can feel a little cheap

cheapest game ive ever refunded (30 cents) (lol)

Played this game while I was "going thru it" and it really resonated with me then. I still think it's pretty neat.

i love the way that this game looks and sounds a lot... which makes the fact that it's actually kind of unfun even more of a shame. the controls are just Not Nice and neither is the gameplay, which kind of dulled the impact of everything else that's going on - not that it's that deep a game, but it's hard to bask in the ~vibes~ when you're shiddily wiggling along the same platform for the 500th time. at least it was pretty, in that wonderfully crappy crispy old way.

Basically a tech demo for faked software rendering graphics, apart from that just very random, confused and tedious

Vibes were good, and the game itself presents to be something weird and unique to look at, and the supposed drug addiction metaphor is good, but it is everything until it isn't. Those mazey levels are hell and practically just a headache to look at, they distract from one concise short and sweet experience to a frustrating one of half-assed collectathons and walls with moving textures.

The concept is fine and you can grab it for very cheap, but the experience of it bites its butt and makes it somewhat of not a great game experience.

A short but a pretty solid experience