Reviews from

in the past

Those wonderful bastards did it again.

Full disclosure: After my review of the last one, I must have earned myself the status of professional boy-breeding influencer, because I was actually given an early review copy of this entry.

With that out of the way, I can say this is hands-down the title in the soft boy stripping puzzle series so far. Granted, it's a series with two entries, but it shows they know how to improve, and if I add a "so far" it means I can curse God if we don't get a new one.

One major improvement over Otoko Cross: Pretty Boy Mahjong Solitaire is that it uses its different difficulty modes as a ramp, rather than a crutch, providing a far better gameplay experience. I'll admit, it's definitely not as skull crushingly difficult, but the challenge it does provide is still enough to make you really work to see these soft twinks in their plowable state. Hell, this time around I only used the drawing tablet as a controller out of convenience, rather than necessity.

I'd never played solitaire before this, and yet I still managed to clear my first game after 20 minutes of random clicking. That's not to say it doesn't outright explain the rules at the start, but Jules was on screen and I was too busy thinking about bending him over a table, so I didn't read it. What's important is that the game is intuitive. It definitely helps that playing cards are easier to process than mahjong symbols for my dyslexic brain, so I didn't have to come up with shorthand like "high heel" and "dragon".

While this game does share a ton of its presentation and assets with its predecessor, you're here because you want to see the twinks again, don't act like you aren't, you don't get mad at a strip club for not providing a groundbreaking, unique assortment of appetizers you goddamn son of a bitch, you're here for the same reason as me, we like seeing soft, weak men in vulnerable positions with some fun puzzle elements. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

That said, it does also mean a couple complaints from the last one carry over, namely, lack of story and a somewhat repetitive soundtrack. It's important to remember we are still in the infancy of otokonoko representation in gaming, brothers, and the normalization of boytoys requires our support. A starving man doesn't leave good food on the table just because it's a small portion, after all.

Overall, very solid entry, if I had my way, I'd say it should be the version of solitaire preinstalled on every computer. Eagerly awaiting the next one already.