Reviews from

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PCZ is your typical Picross game in terms of puzzles. If you played any Picross game (on the 3DS in my case), then you’ll feel right at home. The game’s charm and adventure part is what makes it stand out and worth playing for fans of the genre.

The adventure part is lighthearted. Don’t expect deep and fleshed out mechanics. You have a small world divided in a few blocks. Each block has a few puzzles that bring objects, people or animals back to life (220+). Most of them won’t have much of a significance to the story but there will be puzzles that do and you will get some items that are either mandatory or to find some of the secrets in the game. For instance, you’ll need a lamp to go through a dark cave. Even if there is no significance, it’s satisfying seeing things come to life and the numbers of your checklist going up. The puzzles themselves are mostly simple-doable and they won’t reach the challenge you can expect from the Picross E games on the 3DS for instance. There are some NPC you can speak with, an inventory menu, world map and an in game trophy (achievement) tracker. Add the charming pixel graphics, catchy music & funny dialogue and you got yourself a good formula. The dialogues are often self aware and I enjoy them but humour is obviously very subjective. I also love the secrets the developer came up with and even how some of them are personal.

In terms of cons, I can mainly think of 2 minor bugs and one design decision. The game allows you to select different themes when you look at the puzzles. I love this! You can also customise a theme manually but the settings for that are never saved unfortunately. Secondly, there are also some shortcuts to return to previous areas more quickly. One shortcut doesn’t work. You’re supposed to interact with it to cut the tree down but the interact button doesn’t work with the keyboard at least. As for the design decision, you have to do a quiz near the end of the game before being allowed to advance to the last area. This is really silly and unnecessary. The community luckily came through by sharing the answers on Steam. This would have been a big problem if that wasn’t the case.

I had a great time overall. I’ve spent 28.8 hours according to Steam and I’ve done this slowly over a long period of time, without making use of the hint system. Definitely give the game a try if you like the combination of Picross with light adventure. I’ve got this on a sale for €2 and 100% think it’s worth that price or even more.

There really wasn't much "Adventure" in this. It's a fine Picross-type game, but they kind of missed the point of trying to make an adventure out of it. I like that they let you freely mess up the puzzle without penalty. There were times that I enjoyed trying to fix the mistakes once I got to where it was obvious I'd messed something up.

The adventure is here for show, the plot is as simple as possible, and how classic Japanese crossword puzzles do their job, but there’s nothing special, it’s better to choose puzzles from the list than to wander around a dead city.

Приключение тут для галочки, сюжет максимально простой, ну и как классические японские кросворды со своей работой справляются, но ничего особого нету, уж лучше выбирать пазлы из списка, чем шастаться по мертвому городу.

As far as narrative picross games go, this one is okay. The puzzles themselves never got particularly hard which, for a picross sicko like me, is a little disappointing but I understand they probably want normal people to be able to complete the game too. I just wish there was one of these that really challenged me there.

The writing is trying to be charming but it really didn't do anything for me. I didn't think it was bad or annoying or anything, it just didn't hook me. Inoffensive but I had hoped for better.

Sometimes the actual critical path of where you need to go to keep doing puzzles is very unclear and so I ended up doing a lot of wandering around and not knowing what I needed to interact with to make the story continue.

Not the best narrative picross I've played but it's such a small genre that it's hard for me to be too hard on this game.

A fun, RPG inspired twist on the Picross formula.

story is a little too silly and self-aware, but the puzzles are challenging without being overtly frustrating

I love this, it's so fun and cute and for a game that's just one type of puzzle, its pretty damn good. The animations and story line are so well done and I can't wait to replay it.