Reviews from

in the past

i finally bought a gameboy color!!! (pikachu is my best friend)

This was the first Pokémon game I ever played. At the ripe old age of six, I had no idea what I was doing, but I had watched the anime enough to know that Pikachu ain't got shit on Brock's Onix, at least not without straight up cheating.

With not an ounce of understanding of the game mechanics in my empty little head, I'd catch me some cute Pokeymans in Viridian Forest (completely oblivious to the Mankeys you could find to the west), and then I'd take my electric rat and my cute birds and bugs and unsuccessfully throw them against Brock until I ran out of money. No more Potions for mid-fight heals, no more Pokéballs to catch stronger Caterpies. I effectively softlocked myself from progressing out of Pewter City. Then I would restart my save file and try it all again: same strategy, no changes. I was having fun just walking around with my Pikachu, and that's all I needed.

It's impossible to convey just how many times I restarted this damn game in an endless loop of defeat at the hands of the first gym leader. But I can tell you that each time I did, I paid a little less attention to the intro sequence, and I put a little less care into the name of the player character and his rival. By this time, I had all but given up on the idea of victory over that Pewter City bastard and was content just vibin' around in the forest like my idol, Ash Ketchum. Who cares what my name is if I'm just gonna reset the save again in another hour? All I cared about was raising another Butterfree, maybe a stronger one this time!

Then it happened. By some cosmic miracle, my little Nidoran♀ managed to take down an Onix. Blood, sweat, and tears fell from my teal Game Boy Color that day, and an entire route of new content opened up before my little eyes. I was awestruck. Even then, I recognized the incredible amount of luck that the universe just bestowed upon me, and I was not gonna tempt fate by restarting that save file now. I was committed.

And that, my friends, is how the legend of ASHpkmn♂♀ was born.

I played this as a child and one of my pokemon got poisoned and I didn't know that's what the screen glitching out when I walked meant so I threw my copy out because I thought it was broken.

Jogão, uma pena que o gb tenha um hardware tão meme

this was the first game i ever played. my sister let me borrow her copy. a few hours later, she realized i was 2 and could not read so she took the copy back. i had beaten three gyms somehow.

I just replayed this on a whim to indulge in some nostalgia. It's still quite fun to pick some random pokemon and see how they do against the elite four. Something I didn't notice when I was a kid is that psychic types are so powerful because of a lack of moves that are super effective against them!

A classic Pokemon game set in Kanto where Pikachu follows you around outside of the pokeball, and nobody talks about it anymore. Let it sink in for a moment just how crazy that is knowing what we know now about the franchise now.

Quite an oddity, and one that set the precedent for better (or in this case "better") tie-in versions of Pokémon games. While the bizarre cuts to obtainable Pokémon felt arbitrary and pointless, the revamped sprites for the mons and little bits of extra content here and there make it the definitive 1st gen Pokémon game.

Which isn't really MUCH of an achievement, but hey. It's something.

Basicamente Pokémon Red e Blue tradicional e na região de Kanto, só que com o inicial sendo o Pikachu e é isso, Pikachu trás uma dinâmica legal para o jogo, com minigames adicionais no qual ele participa, podemos interagir com ele e ele nos mostra suas reações, e sim, o Pikachu nos segue durante o jogo, algo que deveria ser presente nos Pokémon após esse, mas que só voltou no Heart Gold e Soul Silver. Não tem muito o que falar, é um jogo legalzinho

Nidoking is my forever MVP, while Pikachu worked well as a potion/revive shield

Flashback 98: finally caught the legendary surfin' Pikablu, but my idiot little brother traded it to a shady neighborhood kid named Hunter for a Tangela and I've never been the same since

Any Gen before 4 & 5 has aged badly in terms of gameplay mechanics. If you want to play it once to see what the series was like at the time that's fine, but the music & sprites have aged terribly. If not for Gen 2 improving almost everything, interest for Pokemon would've quickly died out

Replay of this gem of a game from my childhood, on my original childhood cart too! I'm not sure if it's just the nostalgia talking, but I had a lot of fun revisiting it.

My final team consisted of:
(Hey, I took the time to catch those dang birds, I should be able to use 'em!)

Gen 1 is a mess of glitches and terrible type balancing, bad move pools, annoying HMs, and a pretty steep spike to the level curve going from the final gym to the Elite Four. However, I still just love the entire experience so much, especially how open Kanto feels to the player, all of the strangely dark things that never really appeared in the franchise again that are just sprinkled throughout this otherwise really simplistic and childis story, and trying out new weird teams every playthrough (Pikachu, Nidoqueen, Farfetch'd, Hypno, Dewgong, and Ninetales this playthrough, by the way.)

Honestly prefer the weird sprite work from Red and Blue over Yellow's more refined ones, but otherwise a game I really can't find too many things I don't like about it.

Obviously dated and almost too archaic for its own good but I won’t lie—as someone who initially wrote this generation off—raising a team from the beginning of the game and then grinding for 4 hours on Victory Road after losing to Lance multiple times, only to then wipe the floor with the entire Pokémon League will go down as one of the greatest moments I’ve had with this franchise. Seeing Gary grieve in pain and confusion over his defeat felt like I had won my own personal Super Bowl.

taking care of a pikachu that follows behind you (and actively encourages you to raise other pokemon otherwise good luck getting past brock) is a really cute addition onto the base red/blue experience.

unfortunately the only thing holding this game back is that it's still gen 1 pokemon so you're dealing with those shitty battle mechanics whether you like it or not

playing through Generation I for the first time since before the Switch even came out feels funny, and for me there’s an added effect that I did not grow up with these games. My first game was FireRed; and i always forget how old these first few games feel even compared to Gold, Silver, and Crystal. it’s like digging through your parents’ stuff and using their old technology and remembering what they didn’t have back then that you’re so used to now. “ah, yes, that type match-up was different back then,” or “riiight, that mechanic wasn’t introduced until the next generation.” it made doing a nuzlocke a lot more interesting, because there were moments that caught me off guard because i was playing a game i wasn’t used to like the others. I know FireRed and LeafGreen like the back of my hand, and playing these games and finding out what i know and what i thought i knew was fun. it’s also just so fun to play this and realize where it improves on Red & Blue versions and realizing how much the stars perfectly aligned for this broken game to become such a phenomenon. When newer Pokémon games come out and seem unfinished and clunky but are still fun as hell, that’s just Game Freak’s style!

Definitive OG Gen 1 game, not much else to say. Could catch every Pokemon in game, walking with a Pikachu was cute, and had fun glitches.

One of my favorite Pokémon games of all time. Being one of the originals to me it was perfect for the time.

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O qual mais joguei na infância, super divertido e fácil.

Eu não sei se amo ou odeio Kanto

The first game I ever owned, beat, and fell in love with. It started me on my 20+ year journey to catch ‘em all

Whether you like this game or not, you can't deny that they nailed what they were going for when Nintendo made this back in 98.
It is an extremely buggy mess, but that doesn't mean it isn't fun. The artwork / music is extremely nostalgic (and awesome imo)
I love this game, even though it may not fully hold up to today's standards