Reviews from

in the past

one of the most fun experiences with friends, i just wish there was more to do

Нужно вникать, слишком много текста и нюансов. Думаю игра интересная, просто лично я не осилил

A starship simulator without complexity shoved down your throat, great for playing with friends or even complete strangers!

wow didnt expect to have so much fun

Despite its half-baked nature, this game is still pretty expansive and can be incredibly fun when played with friends.

Solid framework for co-op shenanigans or role-playing, but pretty boring for casual players, with systems that are cool to use the first time, but lose their lustre when engaging with them over a longer period of time.

Niche titles like this are fine for those looking for them, but as a game, it falls short of delivering much of an experience beyond shooting the shit with your friends.

Ooo Star Trek with friends! Nerd stuff!

Did you know this game has a writer? You wouldn't think so if you read any of the dialogue in this.