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in the past

bring that somewhere else please

El game feeling muy bien, el único problema es que se hace un pelín repetitivo y al ser tan difícil para llegar al final necesitas unas 100 rus , lo que te quita un poco las ganas de seguir para ver los otros finales.

Game #18: ScourgeBringer

This fast-paced roguelike just hit the spot after playing 2 VNs. Controls feel tight and responsive. A fun game overall, I really liked it.


This game is currently in the Humble Choice for February 2023, this is part of my coverage of the bundle. If you are interested in the game and it's before March 7th, 2023, consider picking up the game as part of the current monthly bundle.

A rogue-lite with a little Celeste in it.

Scourgebringer is intense. Players will get the ability to dash through the area, shoot, smash, and slash enemies over and over, and then do it again and again while fighting their way through a dangerous maze. This is a fast-paced rogue-lite, where players have to survive to discover more about an alien artifact. With the ability to stay airborne nearly forever, and dash up walls this feels unique, and the combat is intense but requires a lot of practice as multiple useful skills need to be combined.

Sourgebringer’s one main issue is that it's rather hard, and becomes extremely so. Of course, some players will be able to overcome almost anything that the game throws at them. There’s also the ability to use accessibility settings to make the game easier. Also with this being a brutal rogue-lite, it’s sometimes hard to feel that any real progress is being made, but even still it has a great opening hour and while I have struggled, it’s not put me off just yet.

Pick this up if you like a real challenge, and the rogue-lite formula or you just want to play something interesting for a couple of hours. Scourgebringer feels great for a while, but that difficulty rears its head quickly and players are going to have to master a lot of different abilities all at once to make significant progress, but I’m probably going to return and try to get farther either way.

If you enjoyed this review or want to know what I think of other games in the bundle, check out the full review on or subscribe to my Youtube channel:

Gameplay is very fast paced and feels great. Would recommend for action seekers and rougelike enjoyers alike

"Blood is life, is power, is EVERYTHING!"
Good battle style, ADRENALINE!
Pew pew BEAM!
Weak story...
Dash noise

Nice mechanics
Could have been better tho

The game seems to pride itself in being a difficult rougelite, yet insult the player by having unremovable aim-assist during all atacks, inlcuding the dash.

I was pretty intrigued by this one. It didn't really do it for me, though. It almost looks like if you took Celeste and turned it in to a combat-oriented roguelike. It was fine, but I lost interest after a couple hours. I suppose the mechanics were too basic and it wasn't doing anything unique enough (or well enough).

O principal ponto forte do jogo é o combate (já que basicamente ele só tem isso), com uma mecânica legal de alternar ataques corpo a corpo com ataques a distância e uma combate extremamente rápido (pessoalmente um dos ou talvez até o mais rápido que eu já vi em um jogo), o que de primeira me prendeu muito nesse jogo, me deixando com o pensamento de que esse seria o melhor jogo que ja joguei por muito tempo.
Infelizmente com o passar do tempo percebi algumas coisas que me incomodaram muito, como uma trilha sonora bem chata e repetitiva, que chega a incomodar depois de um tempo, história muito fraca e que não da vontade de ir atrás, fases constituídas por basicamente 3 inimigos diferentes, o que torna extremamente repetitivo e o fato de não existir uma variedade para armas corpo a corpo, somente a inicial, outro fato que torna o jogo muito repetitivo.
Além disso, a árvore de habilidades tem uma péssima distribuição das habilidades, que por sua vez são muito inúteis na maioria das vezes.
Apesar de tantas falhas, o combate extremamente acelerado do jogo me pegou muito e acerta em alguns momentos, sendo um bom jogo para jogar de vez em quando, mas não para investir tanto tempo e jogar por horas seguidas, já que é um jogo cansativo