Reviews from

in the past

A fun tactical worms style game, but in my opinion there isn't enough here to keep you playing, and it definitely isn't as good as Worms.

Gutes Spiel welches man ab und zu ein paar Runden spielen kann.

Review #11 - 2018

I grew up with a little computer game called "Pocket Tanks" (which you can still find btw, and so this game was a very warm welcome for me. It plays like most mini tank games: you set your angle, set your power, choose your missile type, and then fire. What sets this game apart, is your ability to be able to upgrade your tanks, and level up, which adds a bit more to the gameplay. It's a nice pick-up-and-play game, that has a great look, and keeps these kinds of tank games alive and kicking.

They put a ton of effort in this game when they really didn't need to. A ton options and a ton of weapons, and the base game itself is pretty fun. A good time with friends.

Worms without the charm of worms

weapons locked behind xp and sweaty ass people playing

Super simple and super fun with friends or strangers. The game has so many unique and funny weapon types matches will rarely get stale. Wish the progression didn't expect you to play the game for like 2 billion hours just to get most of the coolest weapons and upgrades though.

Shellshock live
Pretty fun game and I imagine it's more fun if you have friends to play with (the single player missions can be really freaking annoying though oh my god)
Cool art style too, I dig that
Shellshock live

This game may just seem like a glorified 'tanks' but there is so much more to it.

This game has addicting gameplay while making it even more fun to play with friends. The replayability that this game has is insane as you can level up so much and the different gamemodes never get boring. The weapons and super unique and because there are so many of them to unlock, you will be playing this game for a while. Some weapons however are risk/reward and I love that. Something like the sniper will screw you over if you miss but can be game changing if you hit. Different weapons also have different tactics in using them. Some are better long range or short range or some are better arched or straight at the enemy. The lobbies are super easy and quick to join and making custom games are also just as fast. The amount of cool gamemodes and terrains make each game feel fresh. Finally there is the skill tree which is great for fitting different peoples playstyles and if you want to change things up, you can just reset the skill tree which i wished was in every game.

Overall you should get this game for its cheap price and high replayability and you should also make your friends get it to make the game that much better


Nothing's more fun than shooting a friend's tank like we used to do back in the day of HS <3

It's fun. Used to play it years back but I couldn't play a single online game without being called a homophobic slur or something like that. I wish the community was a bit nicer because I really like the weapon variety.

A great game to unwind with friends. Chaotic and addicting.

tank blow up. fun for a bit. wish it didnt die/wasnt full of racist sweats lol

Pretty fun albeit the matchmaker kinda blows sometimes and you get matched against players with much better weapons with no aides to have you keep up.

Amazingly chaotic to play with friends

sweaty asf players, gameoplay and progression is fun

It's a grind and a half to get your weapons and xp up but if you get past that it's honestly really fun

another game i was so good at that my friends stopped wanting to play with me.........

very fun and well worth for the price. for a simple game it has a lot to it and the visuals are quite nice. so fun with friends!

there's not many games out there that get me heated like this one does

game is pretty fun but the story mode ruins my brain im a bit dumb

Fun tank-based multiplayer game with a kinda eh single player.