Reviews from

in the past

Shiren is a roguelike that is a mix of hard-core dungeon crawling and cryptic Buddhist mythology. It has an extremely punishing day-night system that fundamentally changes the gameplay loop each time it cycles. It is a fantastic game that encourages the player to problem solve rather than engage in repetitive brute forcing. It stands out as one of the best games in a genre full of mostly derivative and unimaginative content- procedural generation is not a crutch, but instead a sandbox within which you demonstrate your mastery of the ingame mechanics.

Shiren The Wanderer The Tower of Fortune and the Dice of Fate FINISHED! 11/10 Why this rating? Few games would do that, but everything about this game pleased me, from its gameplay and story, which by the way, even with a seemingly simple objective of helping Oyu and her incurable disease and Jirokichi who would do anything to save his loved one, the game had an emotional charge. , your adventure partners are all captivating and each one has their part in the story and helps you climb the tower of fortune, which by the way is quite a challenge! The difficulty increases with the floors of the tower you climb, but the tower is treacherous with each new floor, it's a surprise, traps, monsters that destroy your items or curse and create a debuff on everything that kills you. very well animated and detailed, all equippable weapons have their unique models, the description of weapons and items was always filled with a good mood, my total gameplay was 46:54 minutes of gameplay throughout the story and I also did some challenge quests During gameplay, I highly recommend the game, especially if you like Roguelike games, a good challenge and quality JRPGs, and also love old Japanese themes like me.

The pinnacle. One of the best mystery dungeons. Boundless content to keep you busy for 1000s of hours.

- Same architecture as PMD: Explorers with a better story but woefully less engaging gameplay systems
+ Pretty handy for a handheld roguelike