Reviews from

in the past

This game is not good. The small screen makes getting lost incredibly easy, and the level design is incredibly confusing. The perspective makes the bosses a nightmare. Don't play this game, it may even give you a seizure, or worse a headache.

It's a Sonic game without any sense of speed at any point during gameplay, which is just sacreligious, but even if you look past that it's just kind of dull at best.

nostalgia too strong lol
(1.5 without bias)

It’s kind of just a bunch of mazes in isometric 3D? The instruction manual has some story justification for why Sonic moves so slow (Eggy tricked him into wearing some shoes that slow him down and he needs to collect all the Chaos Emeralds to break free of them? Yeah, idk.) Guessing the slowness is actually just because of the isometric perspective, because Sonic 3D blast is also slow as heck for a Sonic game.

So, yeah. This isn’t great. The levels and gameplay are repetitive as fuck, and not particularly rewarding. Other than Sonic Eraser, which barely even counts as a Sonic game, this is pretty easily the worst game I’ve played so far in this project.

I guess the only real positive thing I can say is that it apparently served as an inspiration for the drastically superior aforementioned Sonic 3D Blast? Not that that’s one of the best Sonic games of all time or anything, but it’s at least pretty decent, which this is... not.

Not as bad as people say, but still far from good.

I think I liked this one a little better than Sonic 3D Blast? The slow running speed along with the fact that you're not able to jump honestly work better for the isometric perspective, not to mention how nice it is that the things you need to collect don't wander off on their own. Probably its biggest sin is the confusing way the doors work; if you go through one and try to go back, you might not end up where you expect. Otherwise, it's just kinda disposable.

8-bit Sonic 3D Blast ft. Seizures

mudança brusca na jogabilidade do sonic, dá muita raiva mas até que consigo engolir

"Vamos pegar uma franquia que a ideia é ser um jogo rápido e coloca pra tu jogar com uma tartaruga sem as pernas? "
Isso provavelmente foi o cara que deu a ideia desse jogo pra Sega

Playing this might have been the first time I ever realised a game could be, y'know, bad.

Sonic Labyrinth was easy for the most part until the first boss, but tedious, thanks to the ridiculous speed cap. The controls are horrifically clunky, and the game failed to entertain me.

i don't understand the purpose that this game fulfills

Sonic but it's a slow physics based puzzler with shitty physics... not the best game but there can be redeeming qualities seen... just not thru my eyes

Sonic be wearing them slow shoes in this one.

That's deffinitly one of the worst ideas SEGA had for Sonic
and yet somehow it still not the worst 8-bit Sonic game

An isometric maze/platform game made for the Game Gear and it’s quite poor. The object of the game is to find three keys hidden in the level and then make your way though the exit. With it being isometric, is means that the entire game is spent going diagonally, which D-pads weren’t designed to do constantly. Your one move is a spin dash, where you charge up for a more powerful one.

After three acts, you fight a boss which involves avoiding attacks and then spin dashing into. It’s a fairly short game, but some levels are confusing and involve doors that connect to each other differently (so come out of one and go back and you’ll be somewhere else).

Не то что бы это игра плоха, она просто средняя, играть в неё не скучно и проходится за короткий срок времени, поэтому и надоесть не успеет.

слов нет блять, просто идите нахуй