Reviews from

in the past

Never before have I played a game with so much MOMENTUM and PASSION and SO MUCH EMPTY SPACE

SEGA should hire these guys to make Frontier from scratch.

Really solid tech demo. I will say though that precise platforming in this engine is an absolute nuisance.

Was a very fun 3D take on momentum-based Classic Sonic gameplay, but the best part of the game was the post credits scene where Peter from Spider-Man Lotus appears and tells Sonic he’s putting together a team.

Es mas una tech demo que otra cosa, y el mapa es bastante monotono aunque el control sea bueno, y los enemigos estan puesto al azar, no tiene mucho mas, no se porque tanto bombo con esto.

for it just being a playground, if it isn't super fun to run around in,, major props to the camera tilting with you on banked turns, it adds a Lot

EDIT: uh oh the creator SUCKS apparently (racist) so uh!! just be wary of that

Sonic fangames would be a decade ahead if this game's engine became open source I'm telling you.

There is no sense of direction. It just a big open world with not much going on.


I sure do wonder what this fangames opinion on people of color are.

This Tech Demo is kinda fun.

You heard me right. Tech Demo. KINDA fun.

This is not the Second Coming of the Messiah, like half of the fandom used to make it out to be, nor are the developers hidden geniuses that SEGA themselves would bow down to, if only this game were completed. Well - that's not even mentioning the controversies surrounding said developers, but that's a tale for another day.

This game is riddled with extremely surface-level flaws. The map is just one big flat block of grass with the only unique surfaces essentially being stylised blocks placed on top of the flat land, like a level builder in a LEGO game. There's no cohesiveness to the environment, and while yes, the game does an excellent job of providing you everything you need to build up a good flow and navigate the senseless environment fairly easily, that's literally all it has to offer. It has a grand total of one, maybe two secrets, neither of-which hold much of interest, and as much as I like this game conceptually, it does not play well enough to justify its flaws.

My understanding of the goals of this game has fluctuated over time, through various interactions with different people, but I do respect it as what it ultimately is - an interpretation of a different direction through-which Sonic could have evolved out of his classic years. Still, this is just a flimsy tech demo, and from what I've heard of the minimal updates over the last six(?) years, the game is not headed back towards mind-blowing status any time soon.

I wish I could offer something of more substance, but I genuinely don't know what else to say, other than "it's okay, I guess." It's enjoyable, in the same way just about any other fan-game with the slightest hint of effort put into it could be enjoyed. It's just a shame this project is so caked in toxicity from every angle, that it'll never be anything more than that.

A tempos eu queria jogar esse jogo e finalmente consegui (no celular)
Diferente do primeiro port/tentativa de Sonic Utopia, está versão lançada em 2023 é excelente e idêntico ao original lançado no PC
O jogo é belíssimo visualmente falando, juntamente aos gráficos mesmo o jogo tendo quase 10 anos de idade
Seria um sonho se esse jogo lançasse por completo, infelizmente apenas está disponível essa Tech Demo que já faz um ótimo trabalho

Middle aged furry ordering a greggs

Una demo tecnica que demuestra como deberia ser un nuevo sonic en 3D

Algo muy cortito que si tienes suerte y no te pierdes te dura 10 minutos, todo basado en tu skill issue

Muy hermoso y a mi novio le encanto como Sonic movia las patitas
(Es el mayor Hater de Sonic existente)

This game isn’t even finished yet why is this on here lmao

Perdoname Champ

Nah, no soy tan pendejo para decir eso

estaba bien corto y me sangran los ojos, 1

Yeah let's leave this one in the past actually.

Y'all remember when people spoke about this one like it was the second coming of christ? It's a pretty okay tech demo, not awful or anything, it has some really cool concepts, but a tech demo is all it is, and all it'll probably ever be