Reviews from

in the past

i was decieved by how seemingly simple this game was at the start, but i'm very grateful that i took the time to play it more.
i haven't really reached everything the game has to offer in 12 hours despite my familiarity with shmups, which does say a lot about how replayability is nailed so well making this quite decisively the best roguelike i've ever played, with godly awesome bullet hell patterns that make me eager to no-hit bosses instead of getting angry at them.
my sole complaint lies on the game's movement, while it wasn't too hard to get used to how fast your character moves, i still find myself tripping up trying to dodge some patterns or dashing too far/too late, although i recognize that this movement system is very neatly polished, it doesn't suit my play style comfortably

Tomando en cuenta lo mucho que influyen los elementos procedurales no se si este juego sea el adecuado para calificarte con letras al completar una run. Como todo roguelike por supuesto que hay poder de decisión y sí o sí deberás aprender a maniobrar tu navecita (muy satisfactoria la sensación de moverla) pero hay bastante en manos de la aleatoriedad (boses, mejoras, armas, etc) y tu desempeño en el juego se verá afectado por esto quieras o no. Literalmente si no hubiese conseguido un arma bastante op en el último nivel creo que no habría podido con el final boss y eso me deja con una victoria un tanto amarga la verdad.

uh guys you havent updated the game logo

Introduces an overwhelming amount of content, improving on the base game. Consider it a must-buy if you bought the game.

my review on monolith is half a joke so ill use here to properly praise the game and say that base monolith is potentially one of if not the very best twin stick roguelite with how well put together every aspect of it is, and this dlc improves on every aspect of it with every change it introduces fixing the few minor issues the original had or adding in something completely new that fits perfectly and makes the base game feel incomplete in comparison, just as a proper expansion should.