Reviews from

in the past

Jesus Christ this game

This is up there as one of the hardest games I've ever played, this game is fucking sadistic. This is one of those games where you get 3 lives, and if you run out, you get sent ALL THE WAY BACK to the beginning. I'm admitting I used save states between each level, and I'm not ashamed. If I didn't do this, it'd take me endless weeks to beat this god forsaken game.

I despise the platforming so much, there's so many precise jumps you have to do, all while luke is super slippery, like when you go into a direction he moves after you stop pressing down on the button. It's like he's on ice skates. Plus there's just a weird momentum feature. The platforming is just absolute hell man. So many cheap jumps and just absolute nonsense.

Combat is also pain. The lightsaber hitbox is broken, so the top half of the lightsaber doesn't even register on enemies, only the bottom half. This means you have extremely short range, and combined with the slippery movement it leads to a lot of nonsense. Also hitboxes in general are busted in this game.

The bosses are kinda just bad. they have little to no pattern so it sometimes just comes down to flat out luck. At least it's satisfying to beat them.

Some levels, most notably the death star, are pretty maze-like and just really annoying to traverse. Kinda shit that makes people buy walk-through books for. Really terrible level design I think.

Most of the levels in this game are just annoyingly designed, like it's either just poor design or it's sadistic design. I absolutely hate it.

The plot of this game hardly even follows the movie, (a new hope) only three levels actually make sense and take place in the film (the opening level on tatooine, death star, and death star trench run.) Everything else makes no sense and just feels like random nonsense. Like when does Luke go and kill frogs? (upon further research this game is a dream that Luke had while in the bacta tank in Empire, a plot that isn't conveyed to the player whatsoever.)

The saving grace of this game is that it is pretty satisfying to get through levels and bosses. Also the final level, the trench run, is the best in the game. It's really difficult but it's a lot of fun and pumps some adrenaline. As of now it's the best death star trench run I've played.

I would ONLY recommend playing this game with using save states in between levels, as this is borderline impossible without them.

(See all my Star Wars Rankings and reviews on my profile here, the list is titled "Star Wars Ranked.")

Pretty much worse in every way compared to the American NES version, but it does have some weird Japanese jank that can make it funny at times.

Wack ass hitboxes and a absurd difficulty with no continues makes this a test of patience more than anything. The game has good ideas but fails to execute anything more than surface level.

Another enormously disappointing NES game that I wanted so badly to be amazing.