Reviews from

in the past

More space flight games need good mission design like this one.

how tf do you beat this game please dm me or comment how to beat this game i cannot beat this game please help me beat this game i ca

This game still has amazing production value with great levels. The ships feel amazing to pilot and the levels are fun to play. Plus there are some amazing cheat codes and bonus ships to fly.

Used to be stuck at the first levels for a very long time due to it not really directing you well enough on what to do to complete it, but it's still a great time despite it. (And kept being it once I got past it).

This game is great. Play classic battles from the movies and more. The graphics are great, the music is the Star Wars score so that’s good and the game controls really well. Mission objectives are clear and the game can be challenging. Hardest thing about this game is that there is not a rerelease of it. So good luck finding it.

Quite liked this one, it has a very good framerate, but I just couldn't pass the first level.

Im terrible at it but its stuff fun to reenact and play these missions

The BEST Star Wars vehicle combat game of all time. Period.

The best of the Rogue Squadron series and the best Star Wars fighter pilot game.

This was such a banger, easily my favourite Star Wars space battle experience!

Imo still one of the best Star Wars games ever made, and I want it to be rereleased on modern platforms so damn bad

La secuela de uno de los mejores juegos del Nintendo 64 hace honor a sus orígenes y supera a su predecesor, ofreciendo acción, dificultad y una experiencia sobrecogedora en todos los aspectos de su apartado jugable. Rogue Leader aparte de contar con unas gráficas impresionantes y una banda sonora envidiable, también logra simular de la manera más real posible el control de todas las naves espaciales que tendremos bajo nuestro control (con un control de Game Cube, lo cual es excelente) y que forman parte del gran universo Star Wars. Es una compra obligada para todo seguidor de la saga, para todo aquel que haya disfrutado de la primera parte, y para todo aquel que guste de un buen simulador de combate aéreo. Factor 5 sigue demostrando que es muy bueno en lo que hace, con la compañía de Lucas Arts.

One of my first Star Wars games and one of personal all-time favorites. God, this game is such a marvel, and despite being a launch title for the GameCube it looks absolutely stunning to this very day, to the point that even modern PC's can't emulate this game properly. That being said, God do I wish this got a rerelease so bad, or at least an HD collection of all 3 Rogue Squadron games to be put on modern platforms. I'd love nothing more, to be honest. But until then, this game will always hold a fond spot in my heart.

weird that i never heard of star wars again after this. someone should revive the franchise