Reviews from

in the past

A game about your average family just trying to hustle and make a living in the shadow of an oppression government regime. This game rules.

Alliance is my personal favorite of the X-Wing games, mainly because the story is the most... relevant, I guess? It tells the story of a family whose business is taken over by the Empire and is forced to throw in with the Rebels. Thematically, it's not as deep as TIE Fighter, but more emotive and relatable. The flight mechanics are the most improved as well, though it's a bit ridiculous how warhead lock-on is rendered completely irrelevant in relation to capital ships. Dumb-fire, I know.

Had this as a kid but had no idea how to play. Also thought it was dumb that you didn't play as Han Solo and someone else had the Millennium Falcon.

X-wing has finally clicked with me, this game feels like the ideas of the previous 3 titles fully realized, it's also a fantastic way to end the pre-phantom menace era of games.

All the simulation stuff that existed in previous titles are still here and it's fantastic, though I think it controls a bit better, and missles are made signifigantly less important, which is probably a good thing.

What makes this game vastly superior to the previous titles is the scenarios they've crafted. The missions feel far more inspired, as the game puts you in a lot of dynamic scenarios unseen in previous games. Your teammates actually feel like teammates that do stuff, enemies aren't absurdly accurate, and there is a clear focus on creating unique battles for the player, whereas the previous games just felt like they were busting your balls. Additionally, there's plot unwrapping within them, being a part of a random family just trying to survive was a great idea to get the player invested. (Also, big ups for crossing over with Shadows of The Empire, thought that was really neat.)

All of the enchancements, world building, and making primarily fun over frustrating missions (unlike previous titles), makes X-Wing Alliance the definitive Star Wars flight sim, one of the best Star Wars games, and likely one of the greatest space flight sims ever.

(See all my Star Wars Rankings and reviews on my profile here, the list is titled "Star Wars Ranked.")

Finest space combat sim there ever was and ever will be