Reviews from

in the past

didn't expect there to be actual photographic evidence in this

the longer the columbine segment went, the less i cared. it's just wayyy too long and mind-numbing

the hell segment is a serious difficulty spike until you get the chaingun, there onward it's pretty easy too lol
the maze-like design is extremely annoying though

the auto-combat choices more often than not make no sense

funny midi music especially creep's vocals switching into the chorus

i suppose it makes sense to an extent this is juvenile seeing the pov it takes but idk like. points for "openly gay man" and "black man" being enemy types, accurate to eric's thoughts. this generally has interesting attention to detail but idk how much of the bullying narrative we're supposed to buy and how much is there because this is their pov

the random character island is only slightly amusing, moreso because it's very strange it's even in the same game as a recreation of the columbine massacre which includes real pictures of the dead shooters

idk this is weird! i don't wanna condemn it too harshly nor praise it per se it's very weird

btw why are there No youtube walkthroughs of this? i got stuck before the massacre because i didn't realize i had to go to a certain tile to trigger the cutscene and had to use a text guide that wasn't very helpful lol

All the other GAY LUIGI with the pumped up SPAGHETTI
You better run, better run outrun my DINNER

reb and vodka had the bigaku

Si vas a ser Edgy, asegurate de que el juego sea bueno aunque sea.

Yes, Shakespeare said it best:
Good wombs hath borne bad sons, Vodka.

I don't know how to review this game, and I don't think I can give it a rating. If I told you that slaughtering students gets repetitive, would you say it was a bad part of the game design or a good part of the game design?

I am not sure how to feel about this game. It was horrific following out the actions of the killers on that day. The entire game stings of sarcasm and black comedy, it was controversial when it was released and it still is controversial.

Was the part in hell necessary? Probably not right? I don't know.

I just don't know.

Has anyone shown this to the mother of Dylan Klebold?