Reviews from

in the past

I have first and second edition of this board game.
It's pretty random, but thanks to many cards it can be unique every time you play.

Some combos you can do in this game are very funny.

A really fun game, but extremely unbalanced. Its way too probable for the game to be won before you even get to your turn.

This game is an absolute blast to play with friends. It's kind of hard to give it a rating, but it is very easy for me to say that I cannot recommend this game enough to anyone who enjoys the drafting, puzzle solving, and theory crafting parts of The Binding of Isaac video game!
I play this any chance I get with my friends. A round can slow down a lot sometimes just due to bad draws, and some characters are wildly more powerful than others; which is why I would recommend using some house rules to keep the game going at a pace you like and to prevent situations where the strongest and weakest characters are in the same game.

I played this with my boyfriend's family and it was super fun. It kinda lasted way longer than we expected tho. Might do custom rules next time.