Reviews from

in the past

Am I under arrest?

Super short PSX styled horror game. Fun experience, but I would've loved it a million times more if it was longer. My main issue is that I really didn't feel scared the entire time and wish the enemy was a little more active. I do love the idea of walking around and collecting items/reading things to complete the puzzles, though. Wish they were a bit more difficult.

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The Night of the Scissors is a VERY short game by a guy named Tomas Esconjaureguy, I don't know much about this guy other than I saw this game randomly in my recommendations and thought "WOW, this s h i t looked creepy and it's another PS1 aesthetic game and I'm weak for those so let's wishlist it and see what it's like". My review is, it's good.

The story is a small one, it revolves around two burglars named Kevin and Adam who break into an abandoned post office so they can rob the place in order to score money for drugs or something among those lines. Hilariously putting a log of all things underneath the shutter, you go inside and attempt to rob the place when the shutters close behind you and you're trapped. Not knowing what happened to your buddy, your go out of your way to search for the way out all while avoiding this really quiet killer maniac guy with scissors. Not much plot wise is revealed about the killer other than three people have gone missing, as well as the fact he likes to feed the soda machines? Also he killed your buddy and hung him outside and when you escape you encounter police sirens with the notion that you might just be arrested for the killer's crimes, what a great downer note to end on.

The gameplay is basically the usual survival horror affair, and truth be told this game literally isn't that long. You find clues in your environment to figure out the next step while also trying to avoid the killer. You can avoid the killer by basically running and hiding inside of lockers (just make sure he doesn't see you enter them) as you have no way to defend yourself. What I like about this game's atmosphere is honestly the fact that there is no jump scare music (for the most part), no real loud musical cue to detect the killer around your area other than the static getting hazier, footsteps and the snips of the scissors themselves. Luckily if you die you just restart at the nearest checkpoint with all your progress intact so no worries about losing anything. To me, this made for an excellent horror atmosphere, though one where I died multiple times. Once you figure out the steps though you can speedrun it in less than five minutes and truth be told I literally got most of the achievements in 40 minutes. One last thing I want to add is that there are two camera angles: there's the traditional fixed camera angle and the 3rd person camera angle; the 3rd person camera angle isn't bad but mixed in with the tank controls it can be kind of wobbly and certain areas can be less visible (example: After falling down a hole, you have to walk your way through a trap of hanging scissors or else the alarm will sound off and the killer will burst out of a door and chase you down).

The atmosphere is immaculate as always and I'm always weak for the PS1 aesthetic because yeah I like the PS1 idk what to tell you. There's not much in the way of actual music much which to me enhances the atmosphere other than maybe a stinger or two, and walking through this abandoned post office is creepy as hell. Nothing but positives on this end.

Overall, great game, very short but with the full price of 2.99 honestly you can't really go wrong if you're looking for a short game to kill an hour or so with. Haven't played Cannibal Abduction but I plan on doing so soon.

From Steam Reviews:

Legal, me deu um medinho, mas nada demais.

Deeply atmosferic. I started pretty scared, the fx of the scissors made me really nervous and the VHS filter was a nice touch. The section were you're not supposed to touch the scissors was really detrimental in the way that I died so many times that I became numb to it. Overall a good experience.

fun short spooky game, also got all achievements !

They got me real good at one point.

da uns sustinhos, mas é muito curto