Reviews from

in the past

Eu joguei a versão de PSP, mas não tem ela no site pra adicionar

Porradaria, tiro e FOICE E MARTELO você com toda certeza vai gostar desse jogo.

The Red Star é um dos beat'em up que eu mais me diverti jogando e tem um fator replay gostoso demais. Ele te oferece de começo 2 personagens para começar

Makita que é veloz pra caramba, atira e possui a FOICE E MARTELO

E Kyuzo que é lento, porém resistente e infelizmente não possui a foice e martelo

Não sendo diferente de seu gênero, ele não oferece tanta variedade de inimigos assim e pode ser, que o level design te dê um certo cansaço, mas se você gosta desse aspecto futurista, alternativo com vibe da Europa oriental, o cenário do jogo só vai te encantar mais ainda

Tenho que admitir que os boss dele é muito daora de enfrentar, porém a dificuldade é presente e pode te irritar bastante ao longo do caminho

Played the first 3 Levels thinking about Contra like a Run N Gun Rebound Date. U move slow, guns aren’t satisfying, and each boss is a pushover. Level 3 made me fight the same tank twice, TURR AH BULL!

It’s not the worst thing, tho. You can knock a guy in the air and wail on em like Devil May Cry. If you have a friend or lover that’ll play with you for more than 20 minutes you might be able to get something outta this.

The Red Star mischia egregiamente il genere degli hack 'n' slash e quello dei bullet hell, ma ad un certo punto quest'ultimo diventa preponderante, inoltre, vista l'estrema difficoltà avrebbero dovuto far durare di meno l'avventura.

Stand up, damned of the Earth
Stand up, prisoners of starvation
Reason thunders in its volcano
This is the eruption of the end.
Of the past let us make a clean slate
Enslaved masses, stand up, stand up.
The world is about to change its foundation
We are nothing, let us be all.

This is the final struggle
Let us group together, and tomorrow
The Internationale
Will be the human race.

There are no supreme saviors
Neither God, nor Caesar, nor tribune.
Producers, let us save ourselves,
Decree the common salvation.
So that the thief expires,
So that the spirit be pulled from its prison,
Let us fan our forge ourselves
Strike the iron while it is hot.

The State oppresses and the law cheats.
Tax bleeds the unfortunate.
No duty is imposed on the rich;
The rights of the poor is an empty phrase.
Enough languishing in custody!
Equality wants other laws:
No rights without duties, she says,
Equally, no duties without rights.

Hideous in their apotheosis
The kings of the mine and of the rail.
Have they ever done anything other
Than steal work?
Inside the safeboxes of the gang,
What work had created melted.
By ordering that they give it back,
The people want only their due.

The kings made us drunk with fumes,
Peace among us, war to the tyrants!
Let the armies go on strike,
Stocks in the air, and break ranks.
If they insist, these cannibals
On making heroes of us,
They will know soon that our bullets
Are for our own generals.

Workers, peasants, we are
The great party of the workers.
The earth belongs only to men;
The idle will go to reside elsewhere.
How much of our flesh have they consumed?
But if these ravens, these vultures
Disappear one of these days,
The sun will still shine forever.

Haven't gotten past the 3rd level or so, but you can pick up a dude and use him to beat other dudes.