Reviews from

in the past

Veediots is perhaps marginally better than Buckaroos, but that's probably me breathing a sigh of relief over not needing to hear Happy Happy Joy Joy obliterate my fucking senses. However the sound design is still amateurish with a bunch of sound effects overpowering everything else like the "cha-ching" from collecting cash.

It's still a mediocre throwaway platformer that pales in comparison to Stimpy's Invention on the Genesis, the best part is probably Ren slapping soldiers in the dick on the second act.

It's... it's an okay game. It capitalized on the success of the Nickelodeon show, but kinda poorly. The game is a challenging platformer, but ultimately kinda boring, even when you're 12 and watched the show. Played and beat it once, and never really felt the need to again. It's generally a relic of its time. Not the worst game in existence, but it is a bit grating to play now.

The level where you're in the disgusting mouth while it slowly closes on you was very unsettling to a 6 year old me.

Haven't played since I was real young, so my rating is purely based on my memories of how much I liked it then...