Reviews from

in the past

A fun game, I think it received unfair reception as not being "as scary" as its predecessor when it is in all fairness an entirely different game.
It was nice to see the return of David who is such a fun character but Sophie is a sweet lead and I thoroughly enjoyed playing her story. I love the big and small references to other games, especially the Metal Gear style level.
Whilst not the best game in the Strange Men series it is still a good, fun play. I loved playing through this series and seeing the talent of Uri grow throughout.

"The Sand Man" follows the same logic of "The Crooked Man", fighting your own internal monster, but what I love most it how different the progresses differs, without having that horror touch (even that I utterly love horror)!

Having played this game before, it's always fun to play it again; the puzzles difficulties are just right, the story is rich, and I confess I always feel a little touched when I play the bonus chapter.

A completely different experience from the first entry in the series, but every bit of surprise was pleasant. Its thematic charm combined with the atmosphere evocative of silent hill made for a strange kind of harmony that somehow just works.

Could have been scarier, but still quite fun.

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So the good ending is the old sandman character having a crush on a high school girl and becoming sleepless because of that, WTF???