Reviews from

in the past

Not sure what the verdict is yet, for now I have shelved it, and maybe I'll install it again someday and give it another go.

Relatively poorly made FPS hitman clone, however upon finding out it was made by a single person it is a lot more forgivable. Also I only paid 2 USD for it so I'm not really that bothered.

The entire game feels relatively clunky and I had issues with the framerate feeling really odd despite maintaining 60+ frames at all times.

The gameplay is decent enough for what it is setting out to achieve. The gunplay feels fine however the bullet time mechanic feels odd, as you can't really engage in firefights as being detected by an enemy results in entire map running at you trying to kill you. The movement is relatively clunky and I personally think you should have been able to move faster and the sprint speed should have been the default walk speed.

The graphics are relatively good considering that one person made it and I didn't really notice anything standing out as particularly bad during my playthrough though nothing was particularly good either.

The stealth mechanics almost entirely consist of disguising yourself to blend in however the system is relatively shallow, as from my messing around it seems you can't be found out for anything other than committing crimes or drawing your weapon.

The story is relatively generic, it was very predictable from the start. The voice acting is relatively poor and some of the english language being spoken stood out as poorly translated or just poorly written, however once again considering that the games budget and the fact that the programming was done by one person I can overlook this aspect as being the dev just working with what he had available.

The music is fine, there are no standout tracks but nothing felt out of place overall just another generic part of the game.

The game took me about 3 hours to complete, however if I was to give an estimate I would say it would take the average person 2-4 hours to finish, 5-6 if going for all achievements.

Even if the game is not extremely system demanding, even if it does not have extremely beautiful graphics, it has an unreasonably low fps. I don't know why the game's producer did this, but the clothes are always monotonous. Okay, I understand, you may not have much opportunity in design, but if so, you should design sections accordingly. In a game where you can design 2 women's dresses, the worst possible episode theme would be a party, and there really is a party episode. Everyone dresses differently at parties, so why make such a section if you can design 2 dresses. The story of the game is very unnecessary and not interesting at all. You kill a certain number of people in each episode and that's it. If you can't enter a door, wait in an alley next to the door, someone comes there for no reason, strangle him and wear your outfit so you can go in. Every episode is the same thing. There are different methods to kill, not uniform, but since every episode is the same methods, there is not much difference. There is no save point in the game, it throws you back to the beginning as you die and the most annoying part is that you need to get a certain card or outfit to pass through some places that you are not authorised to pass, but this is not very obvious. Only someone is waiting at the door and if you pass slowly, he tells you to stop with his hand. It is extremely possible to miss this when you are caught up in the excitement of the game. And of course, as you pass through there, you are immediately shot and killed without question. When a corpse is found on the ground in the game, even if you don't appear there, someone starts shooting you immediately.How can they suddenly shoot me when they have no chance to realise that I am the one who kills? They can sound the alarm, they can get nervous, they can run away, but this is ridiculous. And of course you are returned to the beginning of the mission again because you are dead.

Awful, boring, dull... EXCEPT FOR BOOBSIES!

For a budget Hitman clone it's pretty good, for a one man project it's incredible.

Dollar store Hitman, but oddly enjoyable