Reviews from

in the past

Incredible step-up from the original. An honest-to-god Gran Turismo PS1 competitor.

Dad got this for me for Christmas in 2000. I wished for something else (can't remember what) and got confused and disappointed. Maybe not visibly, I did thank him for it, but y'know lol. Turns out, though, I played this game more than any other for the following year. Even got a steering wheel and pedals later, making it harder and... not much else. The driving force behind this game was the 2-player mode. P1 got WASD, P2 got arrow keys. Fantastic racing fun for days. I always drove the Renault and dominated the races after a while. He drove a Nissan and could never compete. Never touched the higher difficulties though, 'cause I didn't like losing after feeling like a racing god. Tsk, tsk. The formula 1 stuff was terribly hard, too. I never took a liking to racing games in general, but this will always be the cream of the crop of that genre for me.

Desperately needs a modern reboot