Reviews from

in the past

Really janky, very unpolished, and over all just tedious to play.
How this got physical packaging is beyond me.
Not the worst fan-made TouHou entry, but very VERY far from the best or even half way decent.

why did i waste money on this game

this game is so unbalanced and not in the funny way

The first Touhou game on Switch and it's pretty mediocre...

- Besides the DLC characters, the playable characters are only the ones from the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil.
- There are only 2 DLC characters, which is not enough.
- The pacing is slow.
- The balancing isn't good...

Honestly, there's other Touhou games on Switch that's actually better than this.

fun arena fighter to play with friends on some occasion

i don't even remember buying this game

Touhou fan games are often renowned for their quality. It would seem there are exceptions to everything.

This game was really janky, unbalanced and a waste of money but I did have some fun with it I guess?

A very clunky and slow 3D arena fighter that's not worth playing, especially for $20. Also looks like an very early PS2 game and somehow still has fairly moderate framedrops. Might be because it's 60fps and I'm playing it on the Switch, but it's still very unacceptable given the graphics fidelity. Might be worth it if it's on sale, you're a Touhou fan, and/or want a cheap laugh (those last two points definitely applied to me), but otherwise skip this and just wait for Antinomy of Common Flowers to drop on Switch/PS4 if you want an actually fun and functional (and official) Touhou fighter on Switch. At least it's just an (officially endorsed) fangame, it's kinda cute with it's artstyle and the VA, and a Yukkuri is somehow the major plot point in this. But indeed, fanservice doesn't save an otherwise awful game.

Literally a Reimu plush was the final boss

if virtual on and a crack pipe had a ps1 child; very fun with friends until one of them finds a unbeatable exploit

god i love this game

O jogo não é tão bom em aspectos técnicos mas me diverti jogando :)