Reviews from

in the past

Having Shinobu as an extra playable character for the existing stages and exclusive chips was a nice extra. She has more range and damage potential than the rest of the cast, which possibly explains why she has the least amount of health. The "glass cannon" as they say.

That's all well and good, but the REAL meat of this DLC was the "Badman Strikes Back" 6-part pinball novel. A story that dives into the origin of Badman, and even scrapes on the events of No More Heroes 1, which involved his daughter, Bad Girl. Interestingly enough, this entire story wasn't written by Suda51, but Masahi Ooka, who has been a co-writer for a number of Suda's games--most prominently the "Placebo" chapters in The Silver Case and the 25th Ward.

Ooka tends to put the most focus on human emotion and an individual's psyche as they go down whatever rabbit hole his characters fall into. With that said, he was the perfect writer to depict this crime thriller story of Shigeki Birkin going down this dark path to becoming "Badman." It puts you into his mind, and further builds upon the world of No More Heroes.

It was interesting to know more about Badman & Bad Girl origin story.
Shinobu was also a fun character to play ig.

Final Rating: 4.5/10