Reviews from

in the past

Such an amazing comeback for a franchise. Seriously disturbing and satisfying action game. If like cars blowing each other up, it's a must play.

This is one of the first games that me and my dad played together back when i was young ( cool parent by the way ) so there are a lot of memories with it. I remember unlocking all the characters and getting its secrets.

Literally the edgiest game I have ever played and I love it so much for that.

A dark disturbing take on the series, twisted metal black is one of the best out of left field turns in video game history. Gone is the colorful dark humor of the first games, now we have a bleak industrial atmosphere and characters that could all get there own horror movie.

I really can’t get enough of this games world and characters. Each member of the roster is incredibly unique and disturbing in their own way. Even from their short arcade mode cutscenes you are able to get a pretty good understanding of each of them.

As I said before all these stories could probably have there own movie yet their brief vague nature kinda leaves more mystery. If your into creepy short horror stories you’ll get a lot out of these cutscenes.

The dark hellish landscapes and the never ending black and gray color pallet greatly benefits the tone as well. Add a soundtrack that sounds like dark ambient mixed with industrial and you have a very strong atmosphere.

Finally the gameplay seems to be the most mixed aspect. it’s like the first two games but a lot faster and way more difficult. This chaotic unforgiving gameplay I think benefits what it’s trying to go for as a whole, yet I can understand why people might be turned off by it. I’d suggest take some time learning the use of each power up, memorize the maps and get used to your drivers controls. It’s certainly a difficult game and takes lots of getting used to but I always liked this approach especially with this game in context. Quite literally feels like you’re fighting to the death in vehicles disguised as death machines.

Sad Depressing Edgy Clown Game

The gameplay wasn't doing much for me.

ITS NOT A PHASE MOM! ass tone change. Critical lack of silliness.

"I wanted him to remove the part of my brain that made me so sad when i took a human life"
"I was out like the dying heartbeat of a little girl."
Holy Fuck dude what the-
"I think Benny would have understood."

My cousin bought this game thinking it was Mortal Kombat, but it was actually a fun destruction game.

This is the best Twisted Metal game that I've played by a significant margin, especially on a mechanical level. The overly dark tone and atmosphere of the game come off as a bit edgy nowadays, but they were at least trying something new and creative. The writing is pretty decent, and the characters have enough depth to keep you invested. It hasn't aged super-well, but if you can stand its faux-horror posturing, this is still probably the best car-combat game out there.

Twisted Metal made the jump to the PS2 with grace. Went back to the basics and doubled down on the sadistic nature of the series. Its not hard to argue this has the best gameplay and atmosphere of the series. It pulled no punches.

Really fun game with a unique dark atmosphere. One of the best character selection screens I've ever seen. Playing through each character is very fun! I hope more games like this are made.

Great fun, way ahead of its time.

After dealing with what i can only describe as the hollywood adaptation of the series with 3 and 4, it feels fantastic seeing the series return to the style of 1 and 2

Grit, Grim, a bit mean-spirited and full of dark comedy, but this game is not a simple return to form in terms of aesthetics and style, the gameplay had an equally improved makeover, vast chaotic arenas full of destructible environments, civilians try to avoid the battle as you accidentally run them over during the heat of battle and helicopters giving aid which you can shot down to have an easier time to get their drops

the sole negative that pushes this game down is the fact that the troubled development, made the extra characters have barely presentable cutscenes for their endings, shame, because the finished ones are quite great

Despite that, This game simply fucks

Very funny to imagine the Blackfield Asylum staff just watching Calypso busting every inmate out, one by one.

Haven't played this since I was a wee child, I think. Still a great game, although the over-the-top look-at-me edginess is less interesting now; biggest flaw is how repetitive the stories are. I get they were going for a grimdark thing, such was the style at the time, and that's fine, don't even totally dislike it, but jeez, how many different ways can you iterate on "they went cuh-raaa-zy, and now they want revenge about it." Too much revenge!

"We are trapped in his head."

esse jogo me aterrorizava em tudo que ele apresentava quando era criança mas era bom DEMAIS, e a gameplay era insanamente divertida

Twisted Metal isn't mentioned a lot today but ten years ago this was a clssic on every console owner's shelf. I loved the cheats and the creative maps are still burned into my memory. Co-op was amazing. Nothing like completely destroying each other with cars over and over.