Reviews from

in the past

I recommend approaching this as something in between a puzzle and a rhtyhm game. Each level has a certain "flow" that can be followed in order to easily get three stars. Figuring out this "flow" is the challenge. You can pass levels by just trial and error but the levels that just click are the best. The later levels do become harder, but this is mostly due to unnecessary padding. Like adding obstacles like mist, while reusing old levels. This just feels unnecessary. Played almost all regular levels, except the last one. The last one just felt unfair.

So, it's a cute little puzzle game that's definitely worth picking up on sale.

It looks nice, i can see how this sort of arcade style management game could be satisfying, but i dont think it's for me. I enjoyed maybe the first five levels and grew very bored afterwards. There isn't anything that meaty to sink your teeth into

Cute little puzzle game that I respect and appreciate for only a dollar on sale, but that I won't be playing much more of. Directing traffic just isn't my jam and I'm not sure why I thought it would be. Guess I thought it was time to try a puzzle game again after years of not playing one. Still not really into them.