Reviews from

in the past

Such a great game even today. Amazing art particularly on the portraits. Very unique style. animation is nice too.
One of the best combat systems in a jrpg period. A lot of jrpgs don’t even come close to the combat.
The dungeons were ok but some were very tedious to get through due to bad collision detection and latency when jumping. This is inherent to the game. Other than that ‘inor problem the game was great. Highly recommend it and it’s superior sequel.

Great stuff here. Lots of great character stories as you add them to your squad for the war of the gods. Unique battle systems and Amazing music.


Loved the turn based action. Story was mixed bag, but fruitful. Mastery is complicated.

Gorgeous spritework, easy to follow RPG combat, beautiful music, truly a highlight of the PSP. But good lord the enemies are damage sponges. Patience is the key. Absolutely worth a look if you love RPGs in any capacity.