Reviews from

in the past

i love these fucked up dogs


I got 24 hours of gameplay out of this. I love me a cross-breeding simulation, but! this one definitely feels routine-ish after a while. What kept me going is I always had at least one little fella that I loved and like having fun with, though there's not really a lot to do with a dog except make sure you're feeding it what you want. Just very quickly got to a point where I was raising dogs just to get to the adult stage so I could breed some more freak-ass dogs. A very fun breeding sim but gorsh-dang it I wish it was as good of a pet sim!

This game is just so ridiculous and so funny to look at. The dogs don’t really have any interesting interactions with toys and furniture, which is a big drawback for a virtual pet game, but watching these physics-driven freaks of nature teeter around and trip over each other is an absolutely transcendent experience.

Great for a laugh and for cryin when your lil cheese stixs die

This feels like a fake game you'd see in the background of like. A 2000s Nickelodeon show. Not in that "oh its generic and just what a guy who doesn't play video games thinks video games are" and more like "the team behind the show wanted to take the piss out of a game their kids play and added as much weird shit as possible"
I do like a lot how all the weird pupation mutation stuff is played somewhat straight and not like "ooooh this game is FUCKED... this cutesy game just went FUCKO MODE." because thats way more common in every indie game than people want to recognize

A chill game to pop in and out of about creating abominations.

Not much to it, which is great when you just want to waste an hour or so making a ten-legged nightmare beast.

You’re like the scientist from spy kid 2 in this game

cute and charming silly dog creatures. some of the mutations they get are crazy.

My dog died and the other dogs ate him

Controls are a little wonky on controller but it's a fun game. Lots of downtime though.

you can make extremely messed up dogs. what is there not to love

really neat game, got boring after some time though </3 i remember when videos were getting released about its development.. funny dog game.

Nice lil' game to fool around with for a few hours, streamed it once or twice and enjoyed myself but will admit that if your looking for something you can REALLY sink your teeth into, might wanna look somewhere else; played this game for 5hrs and pretty much saw everything it had to offer to be honest.

Would love to credit this game for its atmosphere/aesthetic though, really love how quirky and weird it is, thought some of the dogs end up looking like something out of one of H.R. Giger's wet dreams and the OST is perfect "head empty" vibes.

Could def see kids and fans of Tamagotchi loving this game and I would love to see them update it further and expand more, best of luck to the team! ✨

I called a dog "Mario Judah" and was really upset when the game told me that Mario Judah was about to die

I'm not particularly bothered by animal death but around 4 or so of my Wobbledogs all died at once from old age and it knocked the wind out of me so hard I had to put the game down. I still haven't gotten around to starting back on my save file yet.

The game is very cute but gets stale very fast

Wobbledogs is a terrible delight of mad science and pet care. In this sandbox world of canine containment bays, you embrace the whims of “what happens if I breed this dog with a comically small head?” right alongside “what if I only fed this dog onion rings for its entire life?” The act of wildly irresponsible animal husbandry is richly rewarded with every generation as your dogs reckon with their own anatomy. I zoom the camera out and view my multi-room compound from afar. I zoom the camera in and focus on a room full of stumbling idiots biting each other, neon body parts from a fallen companion left uneaten, and wet stains from a dubious emergence scattered about the astroturf. I love each and every one of my profoundly incompetent Wobbledogs and I am not open to criticisms.

My biggest issue with this game is that I played it on Switch. It works well enough but the controls are pretty awful. Rather than being able to mouse over anything, there is a reticle in the center of the screen that must be lined up with whatever it is you want to click. Anything that walks or rolls away might take one or two attempts to “catch.” It takes some getting used to and the best it gets is mildly annoying. The port is pretty bad, so if you have the option then you should play it on PC.

pretty accurate representation of real life inbreeding

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This is a sandbox Game! It lacks ending and just goes on forever and ever until you choose to stop playing it. The game itself is adorable and I love it so much, the dogs are cute and it's a nice relaxing 3d game for people who love dogs. Can't handle grief of the loss of an animal? You can turn off dog death, but be warned there's a certain capacity of how many dogs you can have (you can also store dogs and pick which ones you want in the room + save files) but if you have dog death on and want to keep a dog, SAVE THE DOG CORES that way you can set up a tombstone and the dog will come back as a happy doggo friend! (Or you can feed the core to your favorite dog so they live longer) I sadly haven't played this game in years, but I found out about it through my favorite streamer (jerma)
I don't have much else to saycabout this game I. Just really love it and it's super cute and fun and silly and. I love sandbox games :33

It's really fun but getting the chrysalis mutation is hell and I hate the dud eggs.

I like this game, despite the jankiness of the switch port. If you can, get it on PC. Love watching the fucked up little bug dogs. Pug breeding simulator.

i made a dog that had three legs and felt so guilty that i had to stop playing.

watch dogs fall over all day and make eggs? perfect game

I want to make the weirdest dogs known to man.

I used to play this game a lot last year and I naturally got 68/73 achievements on steam, so today I went back and finished those last achievements and now I'm actually done with this game

I love it so much. It's going in my rotation for games to play but i basically experienced it all in a day and i forced myself to stop. Basically it's just any other pet sim with a fun simple aesthetic that you can breed more and better dogs with, influenced by their diet, from nutrient pellets to candied apples. feed them, pet and play with them(sorta) but it's charming and adorable as fuck. And you contain the dogs in a big hamster enclosure complete with tubes. It was a little buggy but within hours the dev released an update to fix said bugs. Really i cant think of anything wrong with it and as it is a complete experience entering early access i can't begin to say how excited i am for more updates