Reviews from

in the past

😭 so cute and fun! perfect combo of puzzle and story. looking forward to more of these!

This was really relaxing and I had a great time finding all of the cute kitties. I just wish it was longer because it only took about 1 hour to beat and another 45 minutes or so to earn all achievements.

Definitely a big upgrade from their previous game! (which I already thought was lovely)
The overall vibe made it very comfortable to play: great background music to set the spooky ambiance and yet the vampire kitties are just too adorable. I think the addition of a storyline, however small it may be, was a great way to connect all the puzzles together, especially by having to go back and forth between rooms. Also did not expect a boss fight, that was amazing.

ta gra udowodniła że operacja oczu nic nie dała i wciąż jestem ślepa

A very fun "hidden cats" game with a small story. You have several rooms to explore until you collect all you need to complete 100%. You also have a "boss fight"! It's different from the other games of this genre.

Hehe... it's cute. Great as a chill little breather game and can be finished in one sitting. I can feel the creators' heartfelt love for cats radiating from this game, which I greatly enjoy!! Very silly and sweet :^)

De todos los juegos de este tipo de encontrar los gatos ocultos este es el más entretenido, bastante completo y ayuda a causas gatunas. Todo bien. Adopta!

better than the first in both complexity and cohesion, but just as fun! I'm not a huge fan of the hidden cats since sometimes you're just gonna spamclick everything you see in rather large environments, but at the very least the hint system is improved after a later upgrade for if you need it in those sorts of situations. I'm hoping we'll get a third game in this style soon enough!

Um dos melhores do estúdio viu
esse é mais trabalhado é mais longo, é inspirado em castlevania! eu gostei bastante tem bastante fases e achado é bem divertido!

It took me about 1 hour 15 minutes to 100%. I am really happy about the advancements this game has over to it's predecessor. I am also content with the ending. Oh, the vampiric-medieval type of cute music is also relaxing!

Cute game. I really enjoyed the incorporation of hidden cats and locked doors. Those features didn't exactly make it more challenging but required an extra level of completeness in order to progress.

faltou o icônico personagem picotas

I mean besties it's exactly what you think it is going to be on the tin - there was a lot more fun secrets to find than I was expecting which was great! Enjoyed that a bunch. Some of the UI is kind of clunky and the writing isn't anything revolutionary, but like the art is cute, there was much more to it than I was expecting and I had fun so yknow.

A Castle Full of Cats is the newest game in Devcats repertoire of games and it does not disappoint!

In this game you need to find the cursed cats hidden in different rooms of the castle and pet and purify each one of them, even the ones in hiding out of sight in containers and unpredictable places! You also get to meet old friends from their previous games, like Fofiño, who has been cursed by an evil force! As Lily, you gather your friends and save him from the curse, letting love win all!

It's a lovely, spooky experience of a hidden object type of game, with lovely soundtrack and cute looking cats! Even though quite short, it's definitely worth the money and it's full of fun times. Highly recommended.

Nie wiem czemu ta gra uznawana jest za relaksującą, skoro można kurwicy dostać jak się kotka nie znajdzie

A Castle Full of Cats is a hidden object game with fun theming, great art, quite a few rewarding secrets and a no-nonsense hint system to assist you if you need it. Pretty much the best you can get from this genre.

Cute, short point-and-click game. It was definitely challenging trying to find all the cats and items for the 100%! I love all the cats, they're all very cutely drawn! And I loved all the Castlevania, Resident Evil, Zelda, and other gaming references!

It does what it says on the tin. It's a hidden object game where you're looking in a castle for cats, lots of cats. The art is extremely charming, the music isn't tedious when you're trying to find that one last cat... it's a great time filler where you're not looking for a dude in a red and white striped hat and I'm here for it.

metroidvania in my hidden object game??

also how do people get 4k+ in arcade mode i've been at it for 2 hrs now

A Fun hidden object game where you need to find a certain number of cats in different sections of a castle.

Imagina uma espécie de "Onde Está Wally?" com uma porrada de Wally's em uma única cena e com todos esses Wally's sendo gatos - Esse é o melhor resumo que eu posso dar do jogo.

A Castle Full of Cats tem um sisteminha divertido de progressão onde, em vez de você selecionar fases para jogar, com cada fase sendo um cenário diferente repleto de gatos (como a maioria nesse estilo faz), você começa em uma cena e vai progredindo como em um Room Escape, destravando portas conforme acha gatos ou chaves específicas. Essa progressão é feita de uma maneira meio brusca, mas ainda assim agradável de jogar - e é justamente isso que destaca esse jogo frente a outros no estilo.

O único ponto negativo, na minha opinião, foi a mecânica dos gatos que se escondem dentro de objetos no cenário. Para achar eles, você deve primeiro clicar em um objeto que tenha um gato escondido e depois clicar no gato que saiu desse objeto. O problema é que você não sabe quais objetos contém gatos, e mesmo que alguns desses objetos sejam mais detalhados e/ou chamativos do que os outros, boa parte acaba se mesclando muito bem ao cenário, transformado a procura em uma paranóia de clicar em qualquer coisinha do cenário para o caso de ter um gato escondido alí.

Mas fora isso é um jogo extremamente relaxante de jogar, além de ser repleto de referência e segredos pra explorar.