Reviews from

in the past

Def not the best romance visual novel but it is not bad

I think this is the first visual novel I ever played. The first ending I got was super fucked up and I immediately started it again to see if all the endings were that crazy. But then I got distracted by another game and never finished my second play through so I'll never know. But I hope so.

why does this exist
toma end is the funniest vn route i have ever read

Interesting premise but characters act way too crazy and irrational, I often found myself getting annoyed over the MC's responses and I generally disliked the outcome of the two routes I played to the end. The art is really nice though.

Terminé con el final feliz la ruta del "Heart World". Faltan todos los otros.

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i still need to complete the other routes but imagine my shock when i go from "my supposed boyfriend is kinda an asshole" to "my supposed boyfriend locked me up". as uncomfortable as some of the parts are, i rlly enjoyed the game and i love the visuals

El diseño de personajes es super extra y edgy, pero aún así me gustaron casi todas las rutas. Los VA son demasiado buenos. Ikki best boi


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Started with Shin, liked his story, but HATED the character. Did T oma next and thought his route was so out of left field and made so little sense I honestly didn't know what to think about it. On one hand TRASH, but on the other - I am a trash collector. I love you Toma, wish you would put me in a dog cage too.
Next one was Kent and OMG. This is unironically the best route in the game. I was fangirling all the way through. Love my autistic king.
I still have Ikki and Ukyo to finish, but I don't think it will change my rating. The vibe of this game are immaculate. It's so 2013 I love it. It's cringe, but I feel like it knows it.

so far still in kent's route
it felt pretty boring but i enjoyed solving ken's math problems.
also orion is very cute but he's too talkative i cant help but find him annoying sometimes

I love the premise but Orion is so annoying omgggggg...

One of the boys will say something like; "I got you this new phone as a gift" and then Orion will pop up and go; "Whoa! He got you that new phone as a gift!" and it never stops ):<

never finished all the routes, did like two...i remember liking kent but thats about it
my friend played as well and i fondly remember them constantly getting bad endings for trying to play logically

un vn iconic !! j'avais regardé l'anime il a un moment (très long moment) et je l'ai refait sur steam et j'ai adoré l'ambiance, je me souvenais de la fin donc j'ai pas été super choqué (même si ptn y'a des moments qui restent gore) et voilà bravo le vn (avec des mecs problématiques vrm le seul point négatif)

I first played this game when I was 12 or 13 and it still hasn't left my brain 7 years later.

My favorite otome game, though it can be really flawed. I loved the cast minus Toma, Toma belongs in the trash. Ikkis on thin ice since I enjoy him outside his route but playing his route makes me absolutely despise him. Ukyo is by far my most favorite Otome game love interest and the ending for his route makes me want to cry everytime since I just really love him so much. Would give it 5 stars for Ukyo alone but considering you have to play Ikki and Tomas route that bumps it down on overall score.

easily my favourite otome, even including its own fandiscs, toma did nothing wrong
best boy, forever toma stan.
only issue i have with the game is kent but hes so popular i cant even consider it a flaw.

i think the gameplay and basis for the narrative is soooo interesting its just some of the characters make me want to rip my hair out in frustration (toma). i Should do a full playthrough before i give my final decision though

el juego me la putisimo suda pero me trae buenos recuerdos de cuando tenía novia y era feliz

(in a chorus with all the other reviewers) ukyo best boy

arrisco dizer que o ukyo carregou esse jogo nas costas e por conta disso inspirou o seven do mystic messenger (eu sou gada desses dois fodase, acho muito foda essa ideia de um personagem ser consciente das "vidas alternativas" da mc!!)

queria muito continuar jogando pra saber como todas as rotas acabam se entrelaçando Mas. que narrativa mais PORCA, puta merda eu nunca vi tanto personagem chato, tanto dilema besta por metro quadrado. eles literalmente só servem pra ser bonitos (e olhe lá pq tem uns designs que voce olha e pensa QUE PORRA É ESSA?)

enfim. aprendi que otome que só tem ikemen = lixo

toma bad. i ended up really enjoying some routes that i didn't expect to. granted i played this game seven years ago but i thought it was fun :] the outfits are kinda crazy

My first VN and I enjoyed it quite a bit. Problematic subject matter aside, I found all the routes different from each other and enjoyed the nearly 40 hours I spent with it.

The art was all really cute as well.

It's a solid game to stream to your friends on Discord and laugh at the ridiculous scenarios that pop up and get a surprisingly well told VN.

The quintessencial otome game. Simple in it's gameplay, beautiful art and satisfying endings. This game is like of someone described what an otome game is, therefore it's a must play especially if you are new to the genre.

[Main Story]
This was in fact the first Visual Novel that I played and loved, not only for the quality of the drawing itself but for the story. Each story is unique and holds the screen who plays. If you have never played a Visual Novel you should play this to start and you will not regret it. Let's say it's an interactive anime with the player.

Une bonne surprise pour ce qui parait être un otome de merde

Jogaria todas as rotas se a P*RRA do jogo na steam não estivesse com as conquistas bugadas, mas fora isso, tem seu charme e os personagens são carismáticos (e não, não joguei a rota do meio-irmão).