Reviews from

in the past

Punches well above its weight as a pseudo-zelda GBA title

Decent dungeons and puzzles but a weird control scheme for switching character. By default you have to hold the shoulder buttons to control Katara and Sokka. Thankfully there's an option to turn this off but doing so reverses L and R for some reason. Ends pretty quickly as well. Took me 4 1/2 hours.

I find it amusing how inaccurate to the show this is in terms of its story. Its meant to take place between season 1 and 2 but in the show, nothing happened then, there's no time skip. You start at the North Pole, which looks far more similar to the South Pole than the North Pole we see in the show. Aang studies water bending from Master Wei and not Pakku. We go to Omashu and King Bumi has an evil advisor guy named Yuan. The final boss is called the Maker, a mechanic who believes her group of other mechanics who be more fit to end the war than benders. Sort of a mini Amon from Korra but she only has like 3 short scenes. This game doesnt have a lot of cutscenes in general. Its pretty weird but if I was a child who enjoyed the show I would have enjoyed this.

Poh mano, eu nn esperava que um jogo licenciado que é derivado de um jogo de Playstation 2 para o Gba fosse tão bom
A gameplay desse jeito eh um bagulho que eu adoro vê, que eh a utilização de habilidades com Personagens, vimos isso também em Guardiões da Galáxia e eu acho a maneira mais certeira de se adapta uma obra com vários personagens, toda a utilização dos personagens é interessante, seja para derrota inimigos ou para lidar com os puzzles, e meudeus, quanto puzzle, a maioria deles eh bem simples, mas são divertidos.
O visual desse jogo é esplendido como a maioria dos jogos de Gba, todos eles tem seu charme, e esse não fica de fora.
Historia meio tanto faz mas ainda funciona e eh legalzinha ate o fim, e a duração sendo perfeito para a proposta desse jogo, 5 a 4 horinhas, eu fiquei 40 minutos preso em uma das sessões finais... entt se vc tiver reflexos de águia provavelmente vc terminaria esse jogo em 4 horinhas, oq eh um bom tempo
Entt tudo que esse jogo se proponha a fazer, ele acerta relativamente bem, nn eh o melhor, mas tb nn eh o pior, definitivamente vale a experiencia

Actually quite good, didn't expect this on GBA. The puzzles were not bad, changing to different characters and utilizing their abilities is done well.

Buying this game secondhand and finding that it didn't work anymore was almost as heartbreaking as when those sandbenders kidnapped Appa

extremely pleasant little game with really pretty music