Reviews from

in the past

Not a game for everyone, but anybody who is interested in naval combat, or just the pacific war in general, will find enjoyment here. The mechanics of the air, sea, and submarine combat are a solid foundation that other games have built-on.

While the main campaign is barebones, with a threadbare storyline to hold it together, it still presents fun gameplay scenarios to play through, with lots of options for those who want to either stick to the script or try and win in their own way. Challenge missions offer more difficult scenarios to play through to really test those hoping for more strategic depth.

There was a multiplayer mode that may no longer function, but at the time, it was a good blueprint for what something like World of Warships would eventually become, allowing players to fight each other in submarines, destroyers, battleships, or planes.

Definitely a niche game, but if like me, you enjoy that niche, than this is definitely worth a shot.

i couldn't even finish the tutorial lol.

i'll give it 5 stars because, even if i'm not a fan of the genre, i can understand that this is a pretty good strategy game

Interesting game and not what I expected at all. Instead of micromanaging units you control one and use it to gain a strategic advantage. You have to know what weapons get the job done essentially. It’s kind of weird to make the tutorial its own thing and not use it in the singleplayer mode. Do not skip the tutorial it is very important to learn the controls because they take a lot of getting used to. Shelving this for now but I’ll be back eventually.