Reviews from

in the past

Biolab Wars is a solid NES styled run and gun, considering the $3 AUD price I’m giving it an easy 7/10. There’s additional variety with a jet-ski level, the rest follow more Mega Man than Contra level design in my opinion.

I’d regard it as good for a quick romp if you want to recreate the magic of NES weekend rentals.

É um bom jogo para matar aquela nostalgia de jogos antigos ou apresentar a crianças e inexperientes em jogos antigos a estética e gameplay de jogos antigos sem ser tão punitivo, uma boa entrada. É um jogo acessível e simples que até é desafiador em vários momentos, mas para alguém mais experiente pode ser desinteressante e monótono o level design (embora talvez isso seja só comigo, pois não cresci com Contra que é a inspiração principal, e sim Mega Man) e bosses também (apesar do último ter sido bem legal, o resto é muito previsível e simples).

Minha única decepção grande é todos os personagens serem apenas uma mudança de skin, teria sido muito bacana se cada personagem tivesse sua particularidade ao controlar.

I bought this game for a whole 19 cents. So my expecations where set. Biolab Wars is the laziest contra clone i have ever played. Uninspired is a word thrown around a lot but it truly summarizes this game fully. Biolab Wars is a functional game. It has that at least going for it but in every other regard it falls flat at even trying to be remotely memorable. Bad games at least have that going for it. Biolab is so short and easy that it's a guarntee that you will forget it before it's short credits are past rolling.

This game is an underhated dogshit.The combat is mediocre, the platforming is so bad ur character jumps like a pussy, the enemies in this game literally send you flying when they hit you it's like they got an enchantment book with knockback 100 up their ass and finally the bosses in this game are some of the worst bosses i ever fought.This is easily the worst game i've played this year and i would give it a 3/10