Reviews from

in the past

generals is a great game, i cant really speak about how much it changed from the previous games as this was my first basically, dad played command and conquer and i continued. What i like about generals is honestly the art design just takes the game to such a higher level, something about this era of warfare is very interesting to me because its was an evolution of warfare, and this game really captures that.

you have China, GLA which is middle eastern forces, and USA, all of which have bonuses and weakness. for example the GLA forces do not require power, and save a tremendous amount of money by getting upgrades from enemy tank wrecks, and building power substation to maintain defenses. the problem, is theyre weaker, and realy on hit and run attack or something to surprise the enemy. China and USA use power to maintain defenses but must bide their time till they achieve tech dominance over GLA.

i really recommend finding a way to play this game, its prob pretty cheap online for a real copy. and it doesnt interact with windows 10 that well

Great RTS, the Zero Hour expansion perfected it

This game is what happens when you sell your studio to EA and cash their check. Generals is like a 3D remake of Red Alert 2: Yuri's Revenge, keeping all of the absolute worst parts and doing almost nothing new with the formula . Especially nothing good. It was funny to play at the time but a good game it was not.

Holy shit this was good at its time.

the fire-spewing tanks were the coolest shit ever for me as a kid

This game opens up with a hilarious intro “In the modern world great leaders resolve their conflict with words like…….SCUD LAUNCHER……CARPET BOMBING…….TOMAHAWK MISSILE”.
The game feels like a lowkey parody of modern conflict and the war on terror. We’ve got detention camps, suicide bombers and angry mobs. This is the only time I’ve ever played an RTS game and I have to say I quite enjoyed it. The part of the allure of this game is the real-life factions, equipment and vehicles. As a kid I completely loved the US faction because of the jets but playing this as an edgy adult I absolutely love the GLA faction and its units. On the downside I felt the missions were too little and too short, I didn’t even get to make a scud launcher and nuke during the entire playthrough just because of how quickly every mission ended.
I absolutely adore this game. Some of the vehicles are based on real life, at least the planes that I know of f22, f117, Mig 1.44, Comanche. There are unique vehicles and infantry in each faction with some interesting skills. I'd also like to mention the OST as well, the orchestral music slaps hard. America has epic orchestral with rock guitar at times, GLA has Arabic/South Asian ethnic music mixed in and China has its own ethnic instruments mixed over the orchestral pieces. Overall, this is a very fun albeit a bit short game with just seven missions for each faction.

It's the most OK command & conquer to exist

O Zero Hour é melhor, mas é só porque o Generals é a base quase perfeita.

Generals is a fascinating RTS as while it is a break away from the rest of the C&C franchise in terms of setting, its retained devotion to the C&C big stupid action movie formula translates very well to the War On Terror melodrama of the new setting.

I consider Generals to be an excellent "baby's first RTS", having a respectable spread of units for each of its three unique factions and requiring very little in the way of the nuisance micromanagement that has permeated the modern genre. The difficulties scale fairly hard but the game is mechanically very quick to comprehend and manage.

The standout of this game is its engine, which makes full use of the modern 3D tech to make the game an explosive monster truck rally of a game, which suits the theme surprisingly well.

I'm not good at strategy games but I'm pretty skeptical about the balance. Although nothing like that would matter to me because I booted it up again due to nostalgia. The unit models and especially the voice lines will be remembered till I bite the dust.
The writing and acting in this game is both batshit and phenomenal, it's a 2003 Teen-rated game where your first missions are a nuclear terrorist attack in China, the siege of Baghdad, and a terrorist attack on a dam followed by hails and cheers as the tide sweeps away civilians and enemies alike. Oh, and this game was written by Rachel Bilson's dad.

back in teh day (in two-thousand three) our arts&crafts teacher went on a spiel about the Iraq War and the horrors of armed conflict, I was liek "wow...sotrue", then I went home and played some more Command & Conquer: Generals. ThX for reading my latest blogpost fellow global liberation warfighters, ان شاء الله

To me it was kinda hard sometimes and I don't remember if I finished the campaign, I think I did. But I do remember US being super broken, to the point where my brother would win every game with just one soldier walking right into the enemy base lol.

Making 3 separate factions then making them into 3 separate subfactions (4 if you count the non-general) for an RTS is genius and makes it really fun to experiment and learn

Another classic with a very memorable set of units.

Nunca zerei, era uma criança na época então não entendia nada, mas pqp como era divertido ficar usando as mecanicas de RTS. E O MISSEL CARA, AQUELE BARULHO DO MISSEL AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. Preciso jogar de novo

I have a soft spot for Command & Conquer Generals. This was EA's first game in the series, and the introduction of a third universe as well, separate from Tiberium and Red Alert. Generals strayed away from Sci-Fi and instead went for a setting based on modern warfare. And it does a good job at that. Unsurprisingly, Generals is a game that was a bit topical for the time, and ended up in hot water in some versions of the game. The German version in particular is heavily censored, where even human characters have their icon edited to make them look like robots.

Generals is extremely politically incorrect, and probably wouldn't fly today. Despite being modern warfare it doesn't lose any of that good ol' Command and Conquer charm that makes the series so darned lovable.

Gameplay differs slightly from previous entries. Previous games had players build structures in a queue and then plop them down ready-made on the field when they were done. In Generals, Workers and Dozers instead move over to the place the building will be and build it over time. It's a fun change and honestly I quite love this take on RTS structure building. Keeping your construction units safe into the mid and late game is much more important in this one. And there's no running by packing up your MCV either. I think this change was made to fit the modern setting better and it definitely works by making Generals play uniquely.

The campaigns are rather on the easy side for "Normal", so I'd recommend bumping up the difficulty if you're a seasoned RTS player. China's Mission 7 however is a pain, jeez. That one took me careful planning to make work. But true to being an RTS, having a right strategy in mind for these campaign missions usually works.

Generals unfortunately is lacking in some areas compared to its sequel/expansion in Zero Hour. There's some gaping holes in many of the units, such as the USA lacking a ground AA vehicle, or China only having one type of aircraft.

Still, vanilla Generals is still fun. I'd give it a try now that it's on Steam, but make sure you install GenTool to give it a needed facelift, proper FPS, and proper resolution.

Score: 84

My aunts husband who worked for the military gave me this game, i love that man a lot even though see him like once in every 2 years. I still remember the day he gave me the CD and i played it for all the day. Respect for him.

fun game where you get to use biological warfare and suicide bombers
i only gave it 4.5 cause it works like shit on modern systems

My favorite C&C to date played for years and then years on top of that with a conversion mod that added tons of new factions. Absolutely amazing game to bad EA messed up what looked amazing in the Generals 2 trailer could of been an amazing come back for the series.

una vez estaba jugando contra mi hermana y construí como 6 líneas de defensas así que al final ella se acabó rindiendo porque no conseguía atravesarlas

fun game where you can mount anthrax on tractors