Reviews from

in the past

Una carta de amor a la industria del gaming.
All of these thoughts runnin' through my head
Arm on fire, veins burnin' red
Frustration is gettin' bigger
Bang, bang, bang, pull my Devil Trigger

The game that finally managed to build on the DMC series and bring out the best of what the franchise has to offer. Take the lighthearted character interactions and emotional story from 3, combine it with the insanely deep combat from 4, then introduce a bunch of creative new additions. What you get is DMC5, the best DMC made to date!

Story is hardly the main draw for a game like this, but it's worth noting that for those of us who have played through this franchise, DMC5 manages to deliver some great moments of character growth. New characters like V and Nico are welcome additions that fit right in with the lighthearted tone, and Nero has his edges sanded down to finally be a decent protagonist. It's a fun ride all the way through. A nice bonus was the live-action versions of the cutscenes that were included with the deluxe edition. I can't overstate enough how amazing these were, just a fantastic addition to add to the fun of the story mode.

The combat is as good as it has ever been. With 3 entirely different characters to play as, each one being very different to play with and learn to master. Nero is the simplest, with a strong kit that doesn't change too much, but takes a lot of time to get good with, and Devil Breakers to add some customization to your playstyle. V is the most unique in all of DMC, playing more like a strategist rather than an action game character, with entirely different considerations in combat due to his frail nature. Finally there is the man himself, Dante, who is just the most astronomically complicated character to master, as he always has been. The depth to all of these characters and how they play can and will keep you occupied for hours on end trying to learn how to play them, and it is worth it for each and every one.

The rest of the game is also great, with a dynamic enemy roster to fight through, which can be remixed multiple times to keep playthroughs on higher difficulties engaging every time just by throwing a new combo of enemies at you. The bosses on display here are some of the best in the series, each one feeling like an accomplishment to learn their moves and master. The soundtrack is also an absolute bop, with the battle themes for each character being great every time you hear them. One aspect of the game that I do wish was a bit better was the visual aesthetic, with a bit too many grey areas consisting of the majority of the arenas. The visual fidelity keeps the game looking wonderful throughout, but the middle chunk does blend together a bit too much.

It's always great to see a franchise revive itself with a game that oozes passion and talent. DMC5 is a true evolution of the franchise's best traits, elevated with modern game design that makes it the most accessible game in the series yet. I am so glad that this game came out and succeeded. Devil May Cry is a pillar of the action game genre, and after many years, the king has returned.

Best gameplay of the whole series. Characters are great, amazing ost

One of the best action video game of all time.

never played much vergil in the older ones but i had a lot of fun playing him on this one

This review contains spoilers

Devil May Cry has laid dormant for a very long time so it was a huge surprise when the series made a come back in 2019. This game takes all the gameplay innovations from Devil May Cry 4 and enhances them while also improving enemy and level design which was lacking in Devil May Cry 4. Instead of simply reversing Nero's campaign for Dante like in DMC 4 they have the 3 main characters transition between each mission making game more engaging than the previous and having each character story feel different from one another. Gameplay is a huge selling point for this franchise as it has some of the best in the genre and it delivers in spades. Nero has a MUCH larger move set than before as well as a new arm system making him an equal with Dante. Dante still has his style system from Devil May Cry 4, but instead of having a secret style like Dragon Slayer, Doppleganger, or Quicksilver we now have Sin Devil Trigger which is a crazy powerful new devil form for Dante. We also have new and returning weapons in his arsenal which can do insane damage while also being very stylish. V is the new playable character of this game and is the weakest of the 3. That isn't really a bad thing, but he's always a character I try to avoid in missions that give me the option to chose different characters. Story is a pretty big part of this game also as it deals with both Nero evolving as a character, but also ties the knot on the Dante and Vergil sibling rivalry that has been present since the beginning. The writing is also top notch for a game like this and shows that Devil May Cry is way more than just a cheesy action game like what the general public thinks. Visuals are running on the RE Engine which was built in house by Capcom. RE Engine makes this game look fantastic while also keeping 60 fps on base consoles which is no east feat. Overall if you love action games or Devil May Cry you will adore this game and it really shows that Devil May Cry can work in the modern game landscape and I hope for more in the future!

..It's funny and good, I like 3 and 4 more though. Just personal preference. Really good game though



dito isso muito bom

Probably one of the best hack and slash games ever made or something.

Devil May Cry 5 is a long a waited sequel to DMC4, instead of picking up from DMC: Devil may cry and making a DMC 2 they went back to the original franchise and decided to keep that one going. Would like to see a DMC2 someday but I’m very glad the OG franchise is gonna keep going, I like this story much better.

Gameplay: DMC5 plays like a mix of DMC 4 and DMC: Devil May Cry, it’s like they took things from all the previous games and improved them the best they could. This game plays just like a traditional Hack and Slash game with a mix of platforming in some areas. You still visit Divinity statues to upgrade your characters with red orbs and still have some minimal items like gold orbs but for the most part this game doesn’t use items unlike previous installments. In this title you have 3 playable characters with very different styles and are prompted to switch between them on certain missions. Nero plays like he traditionally did but a bit faster and instead of having his Devil Bringer arm he now has a mechanical Devil Breaker which has like 9 or so different variations of it. Dante still plays like he did before with a bunch of classic weapons and new ones. V is an all-new character with the ability to summon demons to fight for him as he reads from a book, v then finishes the enemies off. All three play styles are unique and fun with a lot of unique levels and only a few times do you retread similar levels as other characters. Resident Evil 6 had this system of 4 campaigns one for each main character and through out the story they would drop in with one another and play coop briefly, a similar system to that returns in this game where someone playing as Dante or V may drop into someone playing as Nero making for a very fun campaign dynamic. I love this feature in both of these games and I wish more games would use it. Everyone gets a devil trigger upgrade in this game as well at one point or another and all of their devil triggers are fun as hell and very overpowered. I think this was to compensate for the lack of Items in this game which on higher difficulties makes this game a lot tougher for sure, but I still had a lot of fun with it. The only huge complaint I can say about this game is the addition of micro transactions for more red orbs and stuff like that. Obviously, you don’t have to buy them to progress in the game but if you want the achievement for buying everything from the divinity statues then you’d either have to spend real money on the last upgrade or put in a crazy amount of time into replaying the levels or bloody palace because the last upgrade for each character is an emote that costs like 3 mil or something like that.

Graphics, Voice Acting & Music: Graphically this is probably the best-looking DMC game, to say this game is visually stunning would be an understatement, Capcom used the RE engine they use for all the new RE games and man does it work amazingly on DMC worlds, monsters and characters. The voice acting is once again top-notch performances from the same actors from DMC4 and 3 reprising their roles once again. The music in this DMC is just as awesome as it has been in all the previous entries with some banger battle themes for each character.

Story/ minor spoilers: This is a hard game to talk about without spoiling the plot and since the plot is pretty good and serves as a longtime fan service story, I would highly recommend playing the other games first since this game has enemies, weapons, characters and plot threads from DMC1, 3, 4, the Anime and even DmC (reboot) scattered through out the plot. A lot of this game’s story is connected to DMC1 and4 and serves as a sequel to both of those games while it has a lot of enemies and references to 3 and DmC. A lot of the connections to 1 and 4 I think it is best to play the game and find yourself but as for the Anime we hear a cameo of Patty and see the return of Morrison who is like Dantes informant or manager that gives him jobs. The Anime is a great little miniseries with returning voice actors from the games, so I highly recommend it if you like DMC. They race swapped Morrison and normally I’m not a huge fan of this but since it doesn’t really change who he is, and most people probably wouldn’t know anyway since I imagine a lot of people didn’t watch the anime, I think it was a fine choice here. Trish and Lady return in this game and I swear lady just doesn’t age (even though she should because she’s human but whatever) Nero got a bit of a haircut and his animations and look remind me of DmC and a few other changes they made to Vergil in this game resemble his DmC counterpart which again were all cool changes to me, like Vergil’s ability to open portals with Yamato, his shadow clone thing and darker cloths. Vergil’s, V, Nero and Dantes roles in this game are best left for you to play and see for yourself, all I can say is I love their roles and the addition of V and the mystery surrounding him. Why they decided to make V look like Adam Drivers Kylo Ren but have the personality of Marilyn Manson is beyond me but it’s great! The plot of the story is a bit shaky and I feel like if you are very familiar with the rest of DMC then you’ll probably guess what’s happening early on but the ending was still great and makes me want Capcom to make a DMC6 or maybe do a “RE2 Remake style REmake” for the first couple games or something but playing this game certainly does satisfy my DMC craving and I’m sure it will for you too. Overall, it has amazing gameplay, visuals, soundtrack and style with a satisfying story conclusion to boot. I cant think of much negitive to say about this game and its probably considered the best in the franchise by many and is my 2nd favorite DMC game, Keep this franchise going capcom! 9.5/10