Reviews from

in the past

This is a beautiful disasterpiece. If this game focused wholly on the driving, it'd genuinely be an amazing game.

Infuriatingly janky but a concept that just about got you to finish it.

The final mission was brutal, must have taken me 400 attempts to do it, with the AI not recognizing the final stunt correctly screwing me over repeatedly.

This game was fucked to shit, but in an amusing way

For all its short comings, complicated development and yada yada, the driving itself is great, fun and unique.

un juego con mas fallos que mi abuela pero me ha dado una cantidad de horas y risas increibles. Mis colegas y yo encontrabamos bugs cada dia y los ibamos apuntando. Saltas mas hacia los lados que hacia delante LUL

Gameplay - 5
Trilha Sonora - 7
Gráficos - 8
História/Campanha - 8

Nota - 7

Es un completo destrozo de juego... Pero aun así lo recomiendo, es una experiencia, como poco, hilarante. Cuanto más tiempo seguido lo juegas, más y mayores son los bugs que van sucediendo.

it's #notgood. shame cause it kinda killed the franchise but my god it looks like shit it runs like shit it plays like shit

The correct way to pronounce the title is "Driv-three-er"

This game is terrible but has a survival mode that is unbelievably fun and hilarious with the most broken physics and enemy AI I have ever seen. The 20 cops that chase you are completely suicidal and will ram each other into oblivion until they send you and each other hurtling 100s of feet into the air. Worth playing as the equivalent to a good-bad movie

Used to play this game as a kid thinking it's a really good one but sometimes revisiting something out of nostalgia can lead to disappointment.

Esse Jogo foi a maior decepção na vida Gamer do meu Papa, mesmo assim ele foi até o final. Já eu apenas fiquei ao seu lado acompanhado a sofrida jornada e de vez e nunca fazendo uma missão lá e outra aqui.

Michelle Rodriguez cannot save this busted ass game

For many Driver fans, this game was a really big disappointment. Not so for me. I sunk many hours into this game because I especially loved the free mode. For some reason, the game had a built-in recording feature that allowed you to record your escapades during free driving and edit them later. I absolutely loved pulling off "breathtaking" stunts, recording them and creating "cool" little videos from them. Yes, the gameplay outside of the vehicle was rather poor, shooting felt very inaccurate and clunky, as did the controls themselves. Also, unfortunately, they tried to bring some kind of GTA presentation into the game, which didn't work well in my opinion. The story and dialog would certainly be considered cringe nowadays :D But for me, this strange little silly game will always have a place in my heart :)

gostava bastante desse game mesmo sabendo que tinha alguns problemas, tem uma fase de perseguição que eu tive que repetir incontáveis vezes que me assombra até hoje. talvez nem era tão difícil assim e só eu que era ruim mesmo

I know my reviews suck but Driv3r sucks harder. The good thing is is that they're both the funny kinda garbage

Some of the later missions were a giant pain in the ass with some restrictive rule sets but still a really solid driving game (with a great replay editor).

Man. The memories of too many nights spent taking turns playing too much of this mess. It's not very good and was immediately replaced once we realised we could GTA instead, but it still holds a special place in my heart.

La cámara y el sistema de disparo es malo, pero por lo demás es un muy buen juego. Me encanto, si bien tuvo sus bugs, personalmente ninguno afecto mi experiencia como jugador.

Melhor coisa ficar dirigindo e tocando o zaralho, não fiz quase nada da história.

GTA de pobre mas querendo ou não marcou minha infância.

eu gostei mas eu tinha tipo 7 anos de idade

meio travadinho mas foi divertido

The closest games have come to being cool.

If you try to attack GTA at less do it fun man ...