Reviews from

in the past

The story was good. The new characters were awesome.
I loved the new music.

It's nice that we get to connect with characters more through characters episodes but there is clearly too many they're trying to work with in the story.

SRPG ruins the game, too repetitive, Sidequests feel like a chore

In the end tho i still liked it, I'm hoping the next game in the series is handled way better this one was simply just wasted potential

"Look how they massacred my boy"
Don Corleone.
The Godfather.

I loved Fairy Fencer F Advert Dark Force (My favourite Compile Hearts game), but this spinoff/squeal hybrid is a frustratingly disappointing poorly constructed mess of a game that lacks purpose, charm and substance.

SJRPG combat is dreadful as it's the same enemies models over and over even when their change colour at times.

Terrible leveling up progression where you can only level up, by performing actions during fights, resulting the game to be a aimless grindfeast.
Barely any strategy to the combat, most sub fairys are worthless to your arsenal.

Story and characters, one of the best aspects of Advert Dark Force, is a drastic downgrade.
The story feels like a uninspired fanfiction of it's former self and the writing took a major hit, causing plot holes and various bad writing that barely existed in Advert Dark Force.

While it's was great to see the Fairy Fencer F cast again, they were done dirty here.
Many of them are given nothing to do and they just along for the ride with barely any substance.
The new characters are all terribly written and bland as rocks.

The graphics, when it comes to combat is embarrassing bad especially on PS5.
Ugly, janky and unpolished across the board.

In conclusion, Fairy Fencer F Refrain Chord is a boring waste of time and a awful followup to the underrated Fairy Fencer F Advert Dark Force.

I may not a fan of Compile Hearts games are they filled with meandering plots, poorly executed ideas and repetitive gameplay/asset reuse, (barring the aforementioned Fairy Fencer F Advert Dark Force, which did a good job at avoiding many of those issues), but this alongside Neptunia Sister vs Sisters, have reached a new pathetic low.
They are the LJN of the JRPG gaming industry.
It's frankly baffling that this poorly produced game that has no English Dub was sold on PS5 for £50.

One of the worst JRPG games of 2023 by far.

You done f* it up!!!

Genuinely one of the worst SRPGs i've ever played. Could've genuinely been a Vita launch title (and that is NOT a compliment.)

If you have any lingering affection for Fairy Fencer and it's lovable cast like I do, please don't let them use that to sucker you out of money for one of the laziest and most boring sequels i've ever attempted to suffer through. You're not missing anything story-wise anyway since they just rebooted the timeline and characters AGAIN. So it's all effectively non-canon.

To quickly run through all the problems this game has though.

-Copy pasted enemies everywhere, you'll be seeing the same models over and over and OVER. especially Glace. Glace will be copy pasted into every single battle you do it feels like. And no, putting (shadow) next to the name and writing some one-off line about how she can make shadows of herself is not an excuse lol

-Basically 0 customization, most sub faries are useless, most gear you can buy in the shop will be worse than what party members started with several chapters ago.

-Difficulty curve is just a flat line. The game is never challenging, most enemies can barely scratch you while you just mow through them.

-The 3D models in battle, especially for the party members are just so ugly. I'm pretty sure the devs just aren't talented anything to pull this kinda thing off. All the way back in 2014 Hyperdevotion Noire looked BETTER on Vita, and thats because they didn't kid themselves by trying to do proper models, just some decently cute looking chibi ones instead.

-The singers aren't actually an interesting mechanic. As party members all they do is just sit there with a buffing aura around them when their songs are active. And when the songs aren't up, they're practically worthless (can't attack, very mediocre single-target buffs, no healing moves.)

World shaping, the most unique mechanic in the original game has been replaced by the most pathetically boring mini-game I've ever seen. Stabbing swords into squares on the world map and getting items you'll basically never need, wooo, so exciting!