Reviews from

in the past

film would be better if this was more based on the final draft

Mais um jogo que segue a onda do filme, é curto a gameplay e simplesmente... Uma bosta mesmo, o que tenho que escrever mais? Versão de DS é triste, GBA é mediano, PS2 e NGC é até que boa.

Recomendo que joguem a versão de NGC, por estranho que pareça a versão de PS2, em uma determinada parte o jogo simplesmente trava o console.

Não farei 100%, na versão de DS, agora de PS2 ou NGC até tentaria.
Another game that follows the wave of the film, it's short on gameplay and simply... Shit really, what do I have to write more? DS version is sad, GBA is average, PS2 and NGC is quite good.

I recommend that you play the NGC version, strangely enough as the PS2 version, in a certain part the game simply crashes the console.

I won't do 100%, in the DS version, now on PS2 or NGC I would even try.

This just might be the emptiest game I've ever played. The game starts of kinda alright but then it gets so boring and annoying when the enemy death dialogue is THE SAME LINE, the maps are really empty aswell with 0 effort put into them, the graphics look really awful, ik its an old as console but come on bro this game is terrifying. While it does have positives. The first level and the boat level being kinda not so bad and the main gameplay isn't exactly bad it's just so boring and not enjoyable at all.

Easy to get lost and kinda frustrating.

Stuart has sure gotten himself into big trouble this time!

Certamente o pior jogo que já joguei em toda minha vida miserável

ten of ten. I will find you by the way

They deadass ripped a combo wholesale from Kingdom Hearts and thought we wouldn't notice

Ratatouille is the definitive rat game, Flushed Away can't even compete.

idk what happened but i got this game when i was 7 and never went past the fridge part

This game is ugly, boring, and not that memorable. Decent level design doesn't save it.


ambitious ideas, but movement is stiff and the world is empty. levels can go on for a long time, and there are a bunch of really minor problems that can be frustrating. the cutscenes have a lot of charm though, and near the end the game starts to get pretty decent. not a bad licensed game... but I'm not sure if it's a great one either.

DISCLAIMER: I've never played the console version of this game

Childhood game I used to own, got to play it again recently and it's a nice beat em up on the GBA that get surprisingly challenging in the later levels. Speaking of surprises, this games OST is absolutely INSANE, genuinely some of these songs are among the best I've heard on the console. Seriously, take about 5 minutes out of your day and listen to Danger! or the final boss theme.

Maps are way too big & empty for the kind of platformer this is trying to be. Got lost in one of the sewer levels as a kid and dropped it.

I used to fight with my cousin over who got to play the fridge level on the gamecube since he didn't have a memory card so we had to replay it every time and beat it in one go. That's about all I can recall. So I guess it's pretty forgettable.

I remember this game being slightly different to the movie's plot, with additional characters and motivations. Despite being the same plot as the movie.

It was like the Devs of this game were working with a draft script of the film and didn't have time (or didn't care) to update the game when the movie's final script was approved.

Nothing else is noteworthy.

I don't even remember how I got this game

The games not as bad as you would think. But it might be better flushed down the toilet.