Reviews from

in the past

This game is weird you either like the story or don't like the game at all because there is little gameplay

Very solid 3rd person adventure game. Story continues on in a manga that was never finished.

The only reason I can't give it 5 stars is because the gameplay isn't super great. I love everything else about it, the survival aspects and inventory management and the atmosphere is SO GOOD one of the most influential games ive ever played. Highly recommend playing it too

Pochísimo el final, pero es uno de esos juegos que tienen espíritu

"the day will come when your journey will end as well. Your greatest adventure will be over and you will make your way home. However, your journey will not be complete. The days will still go on for you. One after another they will pass, until you've had enough of the monotony. No new discoveries will await you. You'll watch the sun rise and set. That's all your days will have to offer. That's the moment when you'll realize the truth... the sunbeams, the wind rolling over tall grass, the idle chit-chat with friends... These were the gems of your life. Then your heart will be carried off by the gentle, caressing breeze and it will sparkle like a jewel, fade, and grow cold."

Some of the nicest atmosphere to be found on the platform and some of the worst everything-else in your way from enjoying any of it. Cryin' shame status.

If you're not the type to focus on exploring and enjoying evocative, emotional scenarios, this game will be boring for sure. If you are, then give it a shot. I have to admit the pacing is slow and it looks simple or stiff at times. The battle system can be a pain to deal with. Having to arrange your bag to fit items by size is interesting, though. As much as hearing your companion's advice through your Wii Controller, a sweet detail as well.

Much like Rule of Rose, I feel this would have been a game of a kind if the gameplay was not so tiring. The wordlbuilding is not too complex but it is compelling, bitersweet, and has this nostalgic, sad feeling sticking to you all the time. The visuals, music and color palettes help a lot!

I don't think I'm doing a good job recommending this game, but know it's worth a try, specially because of the emotional side. Gotta admit nostalgia may be playing a part in my opinion, so I'm trying to be as objective as possible. t's a pity it's so underrated...

Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon es uno de los juegos más humanos y sensibles que haya jugado nunca. Tiene ese no sé qué que me hace pensar en él cada tanto, incluso si hace años que lo jugué por última vez.

Bajo su apariencia de animé adolescente, y con el (mal asignado) tag de survival horror, se esconde una de las historias más hermosas que se hayan contado en el medio. Tiene fallas a nivel jugable, totalmente, y puede tornarse pesado de a ratos, pero los personajes están tan maravillosamente escritos que absolutamente TODO vale la pena.

wow. this game is boring!
too hand-holdey and stiff, very slow and controls could be a bit more precise but i won't shit on that since it's the damn wii. i've played about half an hour and don't play on continuing, but who knows.

a deeply moving story that reasonated with me heavily. the writing and cast are beautiful, i hope more people are able to experience it through a remastering.

One of my favorite Wii games. With an incredibly emotional narrative that tugs at your heartstrings and an amazing sense of atmosphere, there's really not any other game like it. I absolutely loved every second of it.

The combat's kind of jank but it's definitely worth playing regardless.

The softest, kindest melancholy-inducing survival horror game you might ever play. There are some rough spots--the combat's not terrifically polished, and some will find scrounging for resources and trying to fit them in your pockets a tedious exercise in genre mimicry, but I found that while there was horror to be found it was also very much about finding human connections and how precious that can be. It may kick you in the feelings a little. It definitely kicked me in mine.

The game was very difficult to get used to at first and sometimes slow, but it was an extremely memorable experience and I'm very glad I got through it.

It took me a few months to actually finish this game once I started, due to just how emotional it is.
I highly recommend playing it. It'll take some getting used to, but it's very much worth it.

feels like big budget rpgmaker game, unique one but mediocre

Amazing highs, awful lows.

Геймплей просто ужасен. История наивна, персонажи не интересны. Есть интересные истории в воспоминаниях через собираемые предметы. Для Wii неплохой графон, плюс стилистика помогает. В целом играть - нет. Посмотреть на ютубе - ну если очень сильно хочется.

The gameplay is not good, and I was very aware of that while I was playing, but every other aspect of the game was positive enough that I was able to look past that and still enjoy the experience.

Very difficult game to review. It has many flaws, but it also has incredible strengths and a potential to be heartwarming, bittersweet and humane. If you can tolerate tedious gameplay and admire great aesthetics and narrative; then it could be special for you.

Try it out and see what you think

The gameplay is weird, but it looks and sounds wonderful. The soundtrack is astonishingly good. The story is sad, but in a good way. If this was remastered with better gameplay and a tighter ending, it would really be something to recommend. As it is, I only recommend it to people who are happy to look past limited and sometimes frustrating gameplay in their search for haunting and emotional stories.

Es de esas joyas ocultas, tan maravillosas que tiene la wii. Un juego bastante profundo y sentimental. Donde vamos a ver, una ambientación postapocaliptica, con unos seres inspirados en el folklore japones. La evolución del protagonista, esta bastante bien llevado. Pero lo malo del juego que tiene que es un action rpg, bastante básico.

This is the best short story collection in the shape of a video game

My favorite bad game of all time. The gameplay is kinda shit, but oh my god the atmosphere and story is just unreal, I wish there were more games like this, but like, without the bad gameplay

This review contains spoilers

I picked this game up from a bargain bin back when I was something like 11-12 years old. The gloomy cover art stuck out to me amongst the sea of other Wii shovelware titles (and the occasional Just Dance), so I begged my mom to pay the 10-15 bucks I needed to buy it.

That afternoon, I popped the disk in and was immediately drawn in by the atmosphere. The quiet strings of the title theme started up and I remember just sitting there in front of the TV, listening to it for a while.

"At the very end of a summer that was all too short, the old man I was living with passed away. Even after all the years I spent together, I never knew his name. Later that evening, I dug a shallow grave in the front yard of our home and buried him there." This intro has a permanent spot in my brain. I can pretty much still quote it word for word. Seto's emotionally distant voice accompanied by the screeching cicadas and the sound of a shovel striking dirt establishes an incredible vibe. It has all you could ever want for an excellent intro.

And Fragile Dreams carries this atmosphere throughout the entire game. Little middle school me was absolutely enraptured. I spent my summer with Seto and his post-apocalyptic world, learning about the people who had vanished from it alongside him. Discovering the beauty (and sometimes the horror) of quiet, abandoned places. This game is so carefully crafted to elicit stirrings of melancholy and some undefined sadness from your soul. The story isn't perfect, in fact I'd argue that act three's pacing was pretty bad and there were some loose threads that really should've been picked up by the end, but the overall themes and excellent character driven storytelling really pulled me in. The set design and beautiful visuals accompanied by a sparsely used but incredibly moving OST really cements the experience in your brain. Godawful combat and some baffling gameplay design choices bogged down that experience plenty, but as a kid I was happy to slog through the next pack of random enemies (that would despawn and respawn if you backed out of their detection range) if it meant I could get another mystery item with more story.

That said, this is a game, not a movie. And revisiting it, the fact that my wonderful exploration experience going through this world was marred by having to suffer through terrible combat encounters (horrible movement, no dodging, physically attacking anything feels like moving through molasses) and bad gameplay design (punishingly small inventory that obviously took inspiration from Resident Evil's Tetris style storage, constant backtracking, straight line level design with load screens for every new room or hallway, etc.) brings this game's rating straight down. I wouldn't be surprised if the dev team was sorely strapped for time towards the tail end of development, or just didn't really know what to design to fill gameplay time, and thus defaulted to combat (that they obviously could not get right). It's not like this game is survival horror - it's got horror elements, but it's no Resident Evil, and it didn't need to be shoehorned into something similar to it. It's already a sub 10 hour game, the padding just made it worse.

2.5 is all I can give it, and that's with all the heavy lifting being done by the fantastic atmosphere and storytelling. Did I mention Fragile Dreams also has some of the most beautiful prose I've ever read in a game? God I wish this game could get a modern remake somehow, with the all the design flaws ironed out. Then I would actually be recommending people play it instead of just watching it on YouTube to skip the agony of combat.

Beautiful game that explores the loneliness of the world. The gameplay was a bit choppy at times but it never took away from the wonderful experience of this gem. An extremely underrated game that I would recommend to every person out there.

Amazing game, made me cry many a time. First played in 2014 and loved it then, love it to this day. (Replaying it on my twitch currently actually)

The "soft apocalypse" setting and ethereal horror story go a long way towards redeeming its tedious resource management, roadblock-tier boss fights, and surprisingly exploration-resistant environments.

I hate how everything in this game is hidden gem material but the gameplay sucks