Reviews from

in the past

Hot Pot For One's melancholic albeit cosy nature is hindered by the terrible attempt to communicate the story at the beginning through cringe-inducing fake text messages and the physics engine resulting in food being scattered across the entire kitchen. It kind of ruins any atmosphere that the developers wanted to communicate. Overall it's not bad and is a decent enough attempt to capture a moment in game form but it could have been so much better.

It's very cute, very short and has all the vibes you could want from the title.

This was a nice experience that was surprisingly enjoyable, given it was a 10 minute game that I bought on a whim. It's not the best thing I've ever played, but it's worth giving a try for just a few dollars.

A Webtoons-y but earnest little thing about being super indulgent with food to avoid your feelings. The clunky and left-as-is physics underline how absurd this exact experience always ends up feeling like. The food being tossed at the end made me shout but that is how the home hot pot order goes.