Reviews from

in the past

This was alright for a handheld game, but it really showed that the board game aspect of Mario Party needs good mini-games just as much as the mini-games need a good board game aspect.

My first ever dissapointment

Carried by the awesome minigames, methinks! That still doesn't justify it though.

An amazing, maybe the best idea Nintendo had with Mario Party during recent years, completely wasted by having no boards, this being essentially just a minigame collection and releasing on the 3DS.

It has the minigames but they forgot the boards

It's kinda frustratingly well made because it just amounts to nothing, basically.

This game kind of stinks, but yet I have somewhat of a soft spot for it. I think it is ultimately disappointing due to only being minigames and one single mid board, but idk, I've had my fun with it. I don't really get the ire so many have for it, because this did exactly what it always set out to and said it would be. One hundred (mostly) popular and/or notable minigames. Granted that shouldn't be all it is, but it's not like they lied about that.

Mario Party with only minigames is like icing without cake or toppings: it tastes great and it’s essential to a lot of great recipes, but by itself? It’s hardly nourishing and you get sick of it after a bit. That perfectly describes this game, nostalgia-baiting shovelware with a pathetic selection of modes. Everybody has fond memories of certain minigames, but they work mainly when they have something at stake, like coins in the board game or points in one of the competitive mini-game modes. Apparently Superstars renders this obsolete anyway, and has a better selection of mini-games, so there’s no point to this game anymore.

I like how even Nintendo doesn't like this game as they made an actual top 100 game on the Switch that completely negates this game's existence.

Only one board. Minigames are a pain to choose and play. Absaloutly made irrelevant by Superstars on the Switch. Why?

Such a let down, could have been amazing.

More like Mario party: The top 100 ways to waste your money

i'm actually at a loss for words

Some pretty odd minigame exclusions for claiming to be the top 100 in the franchise and that isn't even the worst offender because that's all the game has.

I like the concept of this game ---- I really do. It just goes about executing its idea in a strange way. Its biggest flaw is not offering memorable, traditional boards like past Mario Party titles, something that was definitely & welcomingly corrected with Superstars. Another strike against it though is being on 3DS, where I feel it's simply easier to get several folks to play MP together when it's on console.

imagine if they chose all the worst minigames, I'm just happy they chose good ones for the most part

WOW I hate this game. NO ONLINE MULTIPLAYER! It picks a bunch of minigames with a lot of them sucking major ass, like who picked these games. The physics are all changed to island tour physics which is not a good thing let me tell you. Dinger Derby never felt the same after playing it on here let me tell ya. I can't think of 1 reason to play this because it could have had a real game with a few boards, but you can tell that this was a blatant cash grab and we all fell for it. This game is one of the worst Mario games in existence and a contender for the worst 3DS game. But it is absolutely the worst Mario Party game.

An idea I absolutely love but this wasn’t the way I wanted it done. The minigames themselves are well remade and it’s an overall decent selection from the series history but there is absolutely nothing tying them together that makes the process of playing them worthwhile. Minigame island is extremely dull and that’s really all there is. All I can say is if this idea sounds good please buy Superstars, that game is great and has a good selection of boards to tie the game together.

Oh gosh, where do I even begin. I’ll give the game one thing: they brought some good games back. But uh, that’s it. The modes to play on sucked and most of the mini games they did bring back I didn’t like them originally, so seeing them again was not fun.

it can be decent with friends but its basically a bare bones marioparty mini game collection with no other significant modes. its not great.

Awful. What a waste of an interesting concept. The Top 100 shows that as much as Nintendo would like to claim otherwise, the board gameplay has always been the main focus of the franchise. What happens whn you take that away? A collection of minigames with no reason to play them except a bad minigame rush mode, something that had already been done well in Mario Party 2. Oh, and the minigame selection isn't even that good either, shitty ones like The Beat Goes On are more than accounted for here. Play Warioware Gold instead of this pathetic excuse for a game.