Reviews from

in the past

To me this edition was just impressive. I’m still kinda discombobulated on how they got a regular legacy edition on a handheld. Surprisingly the controls weren’t all that bad on my hands.. (Also ez plat xd)

A game I have had on my backlog for a while and have finally finished.

I have spent countless hours on Minecraft on different versions and enjoyed Minecraft vita.

The game is the classic old minecraft we know up until the aquatic update.

The only downside of these versions is the map size

Somehow it took me over a decade to finally commit to beating this game, but this game is great, and also somewhat self-explanatory. The fact that this is also a console legacy version also helps out quite a lot when it comes to the UI.

genuinely a great way to play minecraft if you're like me and just want a simple little comfy life. it's definitely a bit awkward to control at times, but you get used to it fairly quickly i think. the biggest flaw is that the map is just limited to 1 square, which can make things like hunting for ender pearls very hard, but i say it just gives you more time to relax and take a load off in minecraft.

Minecraft Vita my beloved. I was SO MAD when i found out it wasn't cross-play with PS3. Oh how naive I was.
This used to be one of my main sources of Minecraft. My little oasis where it didn't have the newest updates.
I think this game stopped functioning sometime in like 2017. Could not for the life of me get it to boot, even after several reinstalls. RIP

Même si le terrain de jeu était limité en terme d'ouverture, c'était vraiment grisant d'avoir le jeu complet dans ses mécaniques dans la poche, avec une maniabilité au poil.

back then this was the only way i could play minecraft with my friends, so as far as this game is, its alright

this is the greatest edition of all time when you don't got someone in your ear complaining about it's performance :3.

Great portable version if you can get behind it being almost 4 years unupdated and the tiny world. Only problem is performance. The game runs fine enough most of the time, but in some scenes the frames per second can get below 15. The game also sometimes generates the world so slow that you can get suffocated in something that just spawned, though this is rare and the devs realized this and spared your life whenever this happened. Recommend picking this up if you like the Vita, but if you're cool with touchscreen controls (which I am 100% NOT), pocket edition is probably a better version that can fit in a normal pocket.

I had such a cool world on this. Great little portable edition. If you look past the not great performance and remember its on a handheld, It just feels like good ol Minecraft

Legacy console version on the go. My favourite portable version of Minecraft (would be the legacy switch version if it wasn't delisted and released physically).

Seems interesting, but I am not the generation that was born playing this game so it doesn't really click for me. Played a bit but lost interest, though might give it a try again in the future.

i have pleasant memories of this one but unfortunately might be the worst legacy console edition. no local split screen, clunky controls and doesnt run great. however if you are a kid obsessed with minecraft in 2016ish this is not a bad choice

This version just doesn't really run well. I did find use of it, using it for small building concepts in creative and sending worlds between consoles (A feature they later removed) but regular Minecraft on it is not recommended.

This was where I finally played Minecraft beyond just touching it on the PC. I used the Skyrim mash-up pack and played this for a looooonnnngggg time. Fell in love with it here

I just have to get it out of my system, this version of the game sucks. Even worse than Ye Olden Days Pocket Edition with its "blue rose", this one is a very sucky port of the Legacy Console editions mostly in the technical part. This game does not run well in the console and it shows for the most part, like yeah it's playable at the cost of a headache from the low framerates.

The world is now a mere 1000 blocks in both axes, suffers from constant frame drops and it has a render distance of like 30 blocks, more than that and everything around you just ceases to exist, and the enemy spawn rates for this one are really damn low just because of the render distance not being able to handle it, making some trophies really hard to get, for example one that's called Sniper Duel which is having to kill a Skeleton from 50 blocks away.

Problem is, due to the limitations of the system everything that's just off those 30 or so blocks of distance just disappears from the view entirely, so you're practically just fighting ghosts at that point. Redstone isn't even able to work properly due to it just stopping at some point that isn't rendered, and this is mostly why this game just sucks and is willing to give you a hard time to get all its trophies, for the game itself then it's just Minecraft (and the Legacy Console version too up to Update Aquatic) and that's fine, if you're looking for normal gameplay then it's alright, but I would suggest looking for a Switch or something, even the phone version would run better.

But I'm probably just mad I sunk in 48 hours into this just for a platinum, gotta thank the Tutorial world though, it has everything you need.

Really fun, but the performance is pretty bad

I played this at a friends house and died a lot cause i couldn't play minecraft and also had never seen a PSvita in my life before.