Reviews from

in the past

I don't know how I haven't played better action games yet I somehow had the patience to 100% this on PS4.

The gameplay for this game is...very simple. Not bad, really, just extremely simple. While I played the game, I would usually try to beat the crap out of the enemies using the one of two (yes, one of two) combos in the game. In reality, it gives obscene amounts of health if you parry them, in which there are two parries in this game for some reason. One parry puts you into a one-on-one with the enemy, and spamming square to give you a cool fight scene. The other is a more conventional parry, going into slow-motion as you deal a heaping of damage.

Both parries and this game as a whole have a lot of style to it, but that's about where the fun stops.

The remaining gameplay is that of an unnecessary crafting system, as well as having collectibles being the only way you can level up your damage, health, and mana (I almost never used magic). This painful idea of "progression" should be a lesson in how not to make an action game.

The story is...bad. It's trying to be some sort of Disney film based on Chinese folklore (apparently this is also a movie), but it really falls flat with the obscure pacing and terrible cutscenes. The game opens on these beautiful Pixar-like cutscenes, but for the rest of the game, it'll be nothing but slideshows and these weird half-moving pictures? It flows really bad, especially in cutscenes where the characters are supposed to be fluid and giving high fives.

The story actually has a super dark ending that made me actually want to give it some respect, but all was taken away when they undid it only minutes after the credits.

Overall, I don't even think this was worth $10 for the "ultimate edition", other than the fact it was short enough for me to 100%, think I only played it for 20 hours.

Avoid this and go play DMC, Bayonetta, or anything else. You probably weren't looking to this game to dethrone those, but those will scratch that itch a million times more this middling garbage will.

My wife bought me this game for £1 to play with my daughter and I had my doubts about it but it actually turned out to be a fun little game that was worth a go at that price. Having known nothing about this game going in, I was pleasantly surprised - The graphics were pretty good, I quite liked the art style and the array of combos made for some pretty satisfying combat. The story was also quite good, if not a bit dark at times. All in all, I wouldn't pick this game up again but I enjoyed the time I had with it.

Really iffy platformer based on the incredibly mid movie of the same name. It's not amazing but it's not really downright awful either, just some nitpicks. Like how you have to go through an entire load screen just to enter anything regardless of how empty it is. Otherwise, it's fine. I can't really recommend this game to anyone unless you're a die hard journey to the west fan.